ACC 2301.202 |
25867 |
Intro to Financial Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Heriberto
Budget |
ACC 2301.204 |
25551 |
Intro to Financial Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chang, Jui-Chin
Budget |
ACC 2301.260 |
25868 |
Intro to Financial Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chang, Jui-Chin
Budget |
ACC 2301.280 |
26832 |
Intro to Financial Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Heriberto
Budget |
ACC 2302.201 |
25553 |
Intro to Managerial Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carlisle, Jody
Budget |
ACC 2302.203 |
25872 |
Intro to Managerial Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brooks, Li
Budget |
ACC 2302.280 |
26833 |
Intro to Managerial Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carlisle, Jody
Budget |
ACC 2302.281 |
26834 |
Intro to Managerial Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carlisle, Jody
Budget |
ACC 3310.261 |
25555 |
Intermediate Accounting I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cisneros, Oscar
Budget |
ACC 3310.280 |
26835 |
Intermediate Accounting I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carlisle, Jody
Budget |
ACC 3320.202 |
25556 |
Intermediate Accounting II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Zhao, Yan
Budget |
ACC 3335.280 |
26836 |
Financial Analysis Technique syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cho, Moon-Kyung
Budget |
ACC 3340.201 |
25558 |
Advanced Managerial Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carlisle, Jody
Budget |
ACC 3340.280 |
26837 |
Advanced Managerial Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Heriberto
Budget |
ACC 4340.261 |
25559 |
Acc for Govt & Non-Profit Ent syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cisneros, Oscar
Budget |
ACC 4370.261 |
25561 |
Auditing and Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cho, Moon-Kyung
Budget |
ACC 4398.290 |
26819 |
Accounting Internship syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ghosh, Amit
Budget |
ACC 5310.2H1 |
26820 |
Financial Statement Analysis syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Heriberto
Budget |
ACC 5310.2H2 |
26838 |
Financial Statement Analysis syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Heriberto
Budget |
ACC 5310.680 |
26316 |
Financial Statement Analysis syllabi Book(s) Information |
Zhao, Yan
Budget |
ACC 5310.681 |
26317 |
Financial Statement Analysis syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brooks, Li
Budget |
ACC 5370.260 |
26821 |
Seminar in Auditing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cho, Moon-Kyung
Budget |
ACC 5375.261 |
26822 |
Forensic Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brooks, Li
Budget |
ACC 5392.261 |
26823 |
Advanced Accounting Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chang, Jui-Chin
Budget |
ACC 6310.260 |
26825 |
Seminar in Intl Accounting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pacheco Paredes, Angel
Budget |
ANTH 3302.201 |
26336 |
Indians of North America syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hadley-Hilburn, Alison
Budget |
ANTH 4302.201 |
26337 |
Myth Magic and Religion syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hadley-Hilburn, Alison
Budget |
ANTH 4303.201 |
26909 |
Archaeology Reality & Fantasies syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hadley-Hilburn, Alison
Budget |
ARTS 1303.280 |
26333 |
Art Hist Surv: Prehist-Renaiss syllabi Book(s) Information |
Castillo, Cynthia
Budget |
ARTS 1304.280 |
26742 |
Art Hist Surv: Ren-Modern syllabi Book(s) Information |
Castillo, Cynthia
Budget |
ARTS 1311.201 |
25992 |
Design I for Art Majors/Minors syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mendez, Julio
Budget |
ARTS 1311.206 |
27155 |
Design I for Art Majors/Minors syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mendez, Julio
Budget |
ARTS 1312.201 |
25993 |
Design II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Amoabeng, Sandra
Budget |
ARTS 1312.204 |
27156 |
Design II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Amoabeng, Sandra
Budget |
ARTS 1316.201 |
26710 |
Drawing I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rice, Emily
Budget |
ARTS 1317.201 |
27157 |
Drawing II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Amoabeng, Sandra
Budget |
ARTS 1317.202 |
25995 |
Drawing II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Amoabeng, Sandra
Budget |
ARTS 2316.202 |
25675 |
Painting I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rice, Emily
Budget |
ARTS 2333.202 |
25678 |
Printmaking I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Shaw, Jesse
Budget |
ARTS 2346.201 |
25676 |
Ceramics I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Soliz, Maria
Budget |
ARTS 2356.201 |
25943 |
Photography I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Thomas
Budget |
ARTS 3100.280 |
25679 |
Art and Children syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Sandra
Budget |
ARTS 3308.201 |
25680 |
Intermediate Painting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rice, Emily
Budget |
ARTS 3310.202 |
27158 |
Studies Art Hist & Criticism syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ziegenfuss, Jessica
Budget |
ARTS 3324.202 |
25681 |
Intermediate Ceramics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Soliz, Maria
Budget |
ARTS 3333.202 |
25682 |
Intermediate Printmaking syllabi Book(s) Information |
Shaw, Jesse
Budget |
ARTS 3365.201 |
26711 |
Intermediate Photography syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Thomas
Budget |
ARTS 4301.201 |
25684 |
Advanced Drawing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wagner, Crystal
Budget |
ARTS 4303.201 |
25688 |
Advanced Painting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rice, Emily
Budget |
ARTS 4324.201 |
27301 |
Advanced Ceramics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Soliz, Maria
Budget |
ARTS 4324.202 |
25685 |
Advanced Ceramics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Soliz, Maria
Budget |
ARTS 4331.202 |
25751 |
Advanced Printmaking syllabi Book(s) Information |
Shaw, Jesse
Budget |
ARTS 4333.201 |
25687 |
Practicum Seminar in the Arts syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wagner, Crystal
Budget |
ARTS 4334.201 |
26683 |
Sem: Special Topics Visual Art syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ziegenfuss, Jessica
Budget |
ARTS 4361.201 |
25686 |
Digital Media II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Paz, Analee
Budget |
ARTS 4365.201 |
25677 |
Advanced Photography syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Thomas
Budget |
ASTR 1110.2L8 |
26382 |
Principles of Astronomy Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Patricio, Orlando
Budget |
ASTR 1310.280 |
26383 |
Principles of Astronomy syllabi Book(s) Information |
Davis, Peter
Budget |
BA 1301.201 |
26511 |
Business Principles syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hossain, Saha
Budget |
BA 1301.203 |
26513 |
Business Principles syllabi Book(s) Information |
Benavides, Jacqueline
Budget |
BA 1301.204 |
26514 |
Business Principles syllabi Book(s) Information |
Benavides, Jacqueline
Budget |
BA 1301.260 |
26512 |
Business Principles syllabi Book(s) Information |
Flores, Juan
Budget |
BA 3301.201 |
25566 |
Professional Written Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gonzalez, Daniel
Budget |
BA 3301.203 |
25567 |
Professional Written Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gonzalez, Daniel
Budget |
BA 3301.260 |
25569 |
Professional Written Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Benavides, Jacqueline
Budget |
BA 3301.280 |
27124 |
Professional Written Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lybolt, Liza
Budget |
BA 3301.281 |
27125 |
Professional Written Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gonzalez, Daniel
Budget |
BA 3301.282 |
27126 |
Professional Written Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gonzalez, Daniel
Budget |
BA 3301.283 |
27127 |
Professional Written Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gonzalez, Daniel
Budget |
BA 3310.261 |
25578 |
Legal Environment of Business syllabi Book(s) Information |
Flores, Carlos
Budget |
BA 3310.280 |
26839 |
Legal Environment of Business syllabi Book(s) Information |
Nigliazzo, Michele
Budget |
BA 3310.281 |
25575 |
Legal Environment of Business syllabi Book(s) Information |
Nigliazzo, Michele
Budget |
BA 3310.282 |
25576 |
Legal Environment of Business syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rangel, Marisela
Budget |
BA 3310.283 |
26315 |
Legal Environment of Business syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rangel, Marisela
Budget |
BA 3315.280 |
27128 |
Intro Int'l Commercial Law syllabi Book(s) Information |
Flores, Carlos
Budget |
BA 3320.201 |
25579 |
International Business syllabi Book(s) Information |
Venugopal, Ajith
Budget |
BA 3320.203 |
26515 |
International Business syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ma, Qing
Budget |
BA 3320.280 |
27129 |
International Business syllabi Book(s) Information |
Karim, Zahidul
Budget |
BA 4390.202 |
25581 |
Business Strategy syllabi Book(s) Information |
Aguirre-Milling, Homero
Budget |
BA 4390.204 |
25580 |
Business Strategy syllabi Book(s) Information |
Prieto, Leonel
Budget |
BA 4390.280 |
27130 |
Business Strategy syllabi Book(s) Information |
Benavides, Jacqueline
Budget |
BA 4390.281 |
27131 |
Business Strategy syllabi Book(s) Information |
Prieto, Leonel
Budget |
BA 5202.680 |
25886 |
Concepts in Acc and Info Sys syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pacheco Paredes, Angel
Budget |
BA 5390.2H1 |
27111 |
Strategic Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
Prieto, Leonel
Budget |
BA 5390.2H2 |
27134 |
Strategic Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
Prieto, Leonel
Budget |
BA 5390.680 |
25972 |
Strategic Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ma, Qing
Budget |
BA 6399.290 |
27113 |
Dissertation Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Clarke, George
Budget |
BA 6399.293 |
27323 |
Dissertation Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Prieto, Leonel
Budget |
BA 6698.290 |
27115 |
Directed Read for Comp Exams syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brusa, Jorge
Budget |
BA 6998.292 |
27116 |
Directed Read for Comp Exams syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brusa, Jorge
Budget |
BA 6999.290 |
27117 |
Dissertation Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Prieto, Leonel
Budget |
BA 6999.292 |
27118 |
Dissertation Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brusa, Jorge
Budget |
BA 6999.293 |
27119 |
Dissertation Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kock, Nereu
Budget |
BIOL 1106.2LA |
26652 |
Principles of Biology I-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhandari, Shivish
Budget |
BIOL 1106.2LB |
26653 |
Principles of Biology I-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhandari, Shivish
Budget |
BIOL 1106.2LD |
26655 |
Principles of Biology I-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhandari, Shivish
Budget |
BIOL 1106.2LE |
26656 |
Principles of Biology I-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sen, Aadit
Budget |
BIOL 1111.2L0 |
25809 |
Principles of Biology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Johnson, Samantha
Budget |
BIOL 1111.2L1 |
26805 |
Principles of Biology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhandari, Shivish
Budget |
BIOL 1111.2L2 |
25488 |
Principles of Biology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhandari, Shivish
Budget |
BIOL 1111.2L3 |
26125 |
Principles of Biology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Johnson, Samantha
Budget |
BIOL 1111.2L4 |
26665 |
Principles of Biology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhandari, Shivish
Budget |
BIOL 1111.2L5 |
26017 |
Principles of Biology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Johnson, Samantha
Budget |
BIOL 1111.2L6 |
25499 |
Principles of Biology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Alvarez, Enrique
Budget |
BIOL 1170.2L1 |
25507 |
Survey of Life Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Perez, Mario
Budget |
BIOL 1170.2L2 |
25502 |
Survey of Life Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Perez, Mario
Budget |
BIOL 1170.2L3 |
25501 |
Survey of Life Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Choi, Jung Mi
Budget |
BIOL 1170.2L4 |
25503 |
Survey of Life Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Choi, Jung Mi
Budget |
BIOL 1170.2L6 |
25504 |
Survey of Life Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Perez, Mario
Budget |
BIOL 1170.2L7 |
25506 |
Survey of Life Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Choi, Jung Mi
Budget |
BIOL 1170.2L8 |
25505 |
Survey of Life Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Perez, Mario
Budget |
BIOL 1170.2L9 |
25508 |
Survey of Life Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Perez, Mario
Budget |
BIOL 1171.2L2 |
25511 |
Human Biology-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arambula, Brenda
Budget |
BIOL 1171.2L4 |
25512 |
Human Biology-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arambula, Brenda
Budget |
BIOL 1306.201 |
25487 |
Principles of Biology I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ramos, Oscar
Budget |
BIOL 1311.201 |
25513 |
Principles of Biology II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rubio, Amede
Budget |
BIOL 1311.203 |
26666 |
Principles of Biology II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rubio, Amede
Budget |
BIOL 1370.201 |
25515 |
Survey of Life Science syllabi Book(s) Information |
Choi, Jung Mi
Budget |
BIOL 1370.261 |
26260 |
Survey of Life Science syllabi Book(s) Information |
Choi, Jung Mi
Budget |
BIOL 1371.202 |
25523 |
Human Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arambula, Brenda
Budget |
BIOL 1413.201 |
25525 |
Principles of Biology III syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rubio, Amede
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2L0 |
25937 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gomez, Alejandra
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2L1 |
25531 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Perez, Barbara
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2L2 |
25530 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gomez, Alejandra
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2L3 |
25533 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arambula, Brenda
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2L4 |
25534 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arambula, Brenda
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2L5 |
25539 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arambula, Brenda
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2L6 |
25537 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Choi, Jung Mi
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2L7 |
25545 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gomez, Alejandra
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2L8 |
25547 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gomez, Alejandra
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2L9 |
25544 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arambula, Brenda
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2LB |
25541 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gomez, Alejandra
Budget |
BIOL 2102.2LC |
26667 |
Anatomy & Physiology II-Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gomez, Alejandra
Budget |
BIOL 2302.201 |
25548 |
Anatomy & Physiology II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ramos, Oscar
Budget |
BIOL 2302.203 |
25549 |
Anatomy & Physiology II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ramos, Oscar
Budget |
BIOL 2302.205 |
26126 |
Anatomy & Physiology II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ramos, Oscar
Budget |
BIOL 2302.207 |
26806 |
Anatomy & Physiology II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ramos, Oscar
Budget |
BIOL 2421.201 |
25550 |
General Microbiology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mendez, Monica
Budget |
BIOL 3405.201 |
25570 |
Human Physiology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mott, Dan
Budget |
BIOL 3410.201 |
25571 |
Ecology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sundararaj, Vijayan
Budget |
BIOL 3412.201 |
25572 |
Cell Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Giasuddin, Ahmed
Budget |
BIOL 4170.201 |
25574 |
Biology Seminar syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jorgensen, Kameron
Budget |
BIOL 4170.204 |
25577 |
Biology Seminar syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pathirana, Ruvini
Budget |
BIOL 4170.205 |
26405 |
Biology Seminar syllabi Book(s) Information |
Tobin, Kenneth
Budget |
BIOL 4424.202 |
26783 |
Medical Microbiology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pathirana, Ruvini
Budget |
BIOL 4445.201 |
26811 |
Medicinal Chemistry syllabi Book(s) Information |
Addo-Mensah, Alfred
Budget |
BIOL 4471.201 |
25651 |
Current Topics in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mott, Dan
Budget |
BIOL 4472.201 |
26814 |
Current Topics in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhatt, Maya
Budget |
BIOL 4472.202 |
26401 |
Current Topics in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Munoz, Amanda
Budget |
BIOL 4472.203 |
26812 |
Current Topics in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Addo-Mensah, Alfred
Budget |
BIOL 4472.260 |
26809 |
Current Topics in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kidd, Michael
Budget |
BIOL 4472.261 |
26816 |
Current Topics in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Davachi, Seyedmohammad
Budget |
BIOL 4472.262 |
26784 |
Current Topics in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ramos, Oscar Mott, Dan Bennett, Marvin Kilburn, John Addo-Mensah, Alfred Weight, Donovan
Budget |
BIOL 4473.290 |
26021 |
Undergraduate Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kidd, Michael
Budget |
BIOL 5197.290 |
26785 |
Biology Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kidd, Michael
Budget |
BIOL 5290.202 |
26786 |
Graduate Seminar in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ynalvez, Ruby
Budget |
BIOL 5297.290 |
26787 |
Biology Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kidd, Michael
Budget |
BIOL 5397.290 |
26788 |
Biology Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kidd, Michael
Budget |
BIOL 5398.290 |
26789 |
Thesis I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kidd, Michael
Budget |
BIOL 5399.290 |
26790 |
Thesis II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kidd, Michael
Budget |
BIOL 5415.260 |
26791 |
Population Genetics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kidd, Michael
Budget |
BIOL 5424.202 |
26807 |
Advanced Medical Microbiology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pathirana, Ruvini
Budget |
BIOL 5472.201 |
26815 |
Special Topics in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhatt, Maya
Budget |
BIOL 5472.202 |
26808 |
Special Topics in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Munoz, Amanda
Budget |
BIOL 5472.203 |
26813 |
Special Topics in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Addo-Mensah, Alfred
Budget |
BIOL 5472.261 |
26817 |
Special Topics in Biology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Davachi, Seyedmohammad
Budget |
CHEM 1170.2L1 |
25630 |
Survey of Chemistry Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhatt, Seema
Budget |
CHEM 1170.2L2 |
25631 |
Survey of Chemistry Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhatt, Seema
Budget |
CHEM 1170.2L3 |
25632 |
Survey of Chemistry Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhatt, Seema
Budget |
CHEM 1170.2L4 |
25778 |
Survey of Chemistry Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhatt, Seema
Budget |
CHEM 1170.2L6 |
25633 |
Survey of Chemistry Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhatt, Seema
Budget |
CHEM 1170.2L9 |
26403 |
Survey of Chemistry Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhatt, Seema
Budget |
CHEM 1370.201 |
26261 |
Survey of Chemistry syllabi Book(s) Information |
White, Pandora
Budget |
CHEM 1412.201 |
25820 |
General Chemistry II syllabi Book(s) Information |
White, Pandora
Budget |
CHEM 1412.202 |
25634 |
General Chemistry II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jorgensen, Kameron
Budget |
CHEM 1412.203 |
26128 |
General Chemistry II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Davachi, Seyedmohammad
Budget |
CHEM 1412.204 |
26670 |
General Chemistry II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jorgensen, Kameron
Budget |
CHEM 1412.205 |
26262 |
General Chemistry II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Davachi, Seyedmohammad
Budget |
CHEM 2425.201 |
25640 |
Organic Chemistry II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mandal, Hari
Budget |
CHEM 3431.202 |
26798 |
Physical Chemistry I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jorgensen, Kameron
Budget |
CHEM 4120.201 |
25642 |
Chemistry Seminar syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jorgensen, Kameron
Budget |
CHEM 4198.290 |
26022 |
Investigations in Chemistry syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jorgensen, Kameron
Budget |
CHEM 4298.291 |
26285 |
Investigations in Chemistry syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jorgensen, Kameron
Budget |
CHEM 4445.201 |
26800 |
Medicinal Chemistry syllabi Book(s) Information |
Addo-Mensah, Alfred
Budget |
CHEM 4499.203 |
26801 |
Special Topics in Chemistry syllabi Book(s) Information |
Addo-Mensah, Alfred
Budget |
CHEM 4499.205 |
26802 |
Special Topics in Chemistry syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bhatt, Maya
Budget |
CHEM 4499.261 |
26803 |
Special Topics in Chemistry syllabi Book(s) Information |
Davachi, Seyedmohammad
Budget |
CIRW 0330.205 |
26274 |
Co-req Int Read & Write syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Jonathan
Budget |
CMAT 0314.202 |
25952 |
Co-requisite Dev for MATH 1314 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jasso, Alma
Budget |
CMAT 0324.201 |
25974 |
Co-requisite Dev for MATH 1324 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jasso, Alma
Budget |
CMAT 0342.202 |
25975 |
Co-requisite Dev for MATH 1342 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jasso, Alma
Budget |
COMM 1311.202 |
26357 |
Fundamentals of Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kim, Ju Oak
Budget |
COMM 1315.201 |
26098 |
Public Speaking syllabi Book(s) Information |
Liu, Xinyue
Budget |
COMM 1315.203 |
25690 |
Public Speaking syllabi Book(s) Information |
Balli, Philip
Budget |
COMM 1315.205 |
25689 |
Public Speaking syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mancha, Stephanie
Budget |
COMM 1326.260 |
25821 |
Journalistic Writing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Thomas
Budget |
COMM 1370.202 |
26639 |
Fundamentals of Comm Design syllabi Book(s) Information |
Paz, Analee
Budget |
COMM 2305.201 |
26358 |
Rhetoric of Popular Culture syllabi Book(s) Information |
McGinnis, Brook
Budget |
COMM 2324.201 |
26865 |
Practicum in Electronic Media syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mancha, Stephanie
Budget |
COMM 2331.201 |
26083 |
Photo I: Intro to Visual Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Thomas
Budget |
COMM 3132.201 |
26866 |
Digital Filmmaking II Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Moran, Angela
Budget |
COMM 3232.201 |
26867 |
Digital Filmmaking II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Moran, Angela
Budget |
COMM 3307.201 |
26868 |
Health Communication syllabi Book(s) Information |
Legg, Nina
Budget |
COMM 3309.203 |
26869 |
Special Topics in Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Legg, Nina
Budget |
COMM 3310.203 |
26360 |
Methods of Inquiry:Quant Rsch syllabi Book(s) Information |
Berquist, Lon
Budget |
COMM 3310.261 |
26035 |
Methods of Inquiry:Quant Rsch syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mu, Di
Budget |
COMM 3325.280 |
26899 |
Mass Communication syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kim, Ju Oak
Budget |
COMM 3327.260 |
26870 |
Media Writing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Thomas
Budget |
COMM 3331.201 |
26693 |
Photo II: Photojournalism syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Thomas
Budget |
COMM 3333.201 |
26871 |
Multimedia Production II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mu, Di
Budget |
COMM 3335.280 |
26214 |
Social Media and Communication syllabi Book(s) Information |
Liu, Xinyue
Budget |
COMM 3390.202 |
26872 |
Special Topics in Film Studies syllabi Book(s) Information |
Balli, Philip
Budget |
COMM 4320.202 |
26873 |
Trends in International Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lozano, Jose
Budget |
COMM 4323.280 |
26900 |
Communication Law syllabi Book(s) Information |
Berquist, Lon
Budget |
COMM 4323.281 |
26901 |
Communication Law syllabi Book(s) Information |
Berquist, Lon
Budget |
COMM 4325.202 |
26874 |
Organizational Communication syllabi Book(s) Information |
Legg, Nina
Budget |
COMM 4326.201 |
26701 |
Conflict Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
McGinnis, Brook
Budget |
COMM 4328.202 |
26875 |
Digital Publication Design syllabi Book(s) Information |
Paz, Analee
Budget |
COMM 4330.202 |
26750 |
Special Issues in Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Legg, Nina
Budget |
COMM 4350.202 |
26876 |
Internship syllabi Book(s) Information |
Legg, Nina
Budget |
COMM 4350.280 |
26902 |
Internship syllabi Book(s) Information |
Moran, Angela
Budget |
COMM 5303.260 |
26877 |
Qual Research Methods in Comm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kim, Ju Oak
Budget |
COMM 5313.2H1 |
26878 |
Ethno & Doc Prod in Border Rgn syllabi Book(s) Information |
Moran, Angela
Budget |
COMM 5398.290 |
27334 |
Thesis I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lozano, Jose
Budget |
CRIJ 1301.201 |
26910 |
Intro to Criminal Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hernandez, Flor
Budget |
CRIJ 1301.261 |
26338 |
Intro to Criminal Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Maldonado, Norma
Budget |
CRIJ 1301.262 |
26671 |
Intro to Criminal Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Rolando
Budget |
CRIJ 1301.280 |
26946 |
Intro to Criminal Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hernandez, Flor
Budget |
CRIJ 1306.201 |
26339 |
Courts & Criminal Procedure syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hernandez, Flor
Budget |
CRIJ 1306.280 |
26340 |
Courts & Criminal Procedure syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hernandez, Flor
Budget |
CRIJ 1306.281 |
27302 |
Courts & Criminal Procedure syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wilson, Franklin
Budget |
CRIJ 1313.202 |
26911 |
Juvenile Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Scott, Daniel
Budget |
CRIJ 2313.201 |
26341 |
Correctional Systems & Practice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hernandez, Flor
Budget |
CRIJ 2313.280 |
26947 |
Correctional Systems & Practice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Galli, Phillip
Budget |
CRIJ 2328.201 |
25669 |
Police Systems & Practices syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Sandra
Budget |
CRIJ 2328.262 |
26348 |
Police Systems & Practices syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ramos, Michael
Budget |
CRIJ 2329.261 |
25798 |
Fundamentals of Criminal Law syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Rolando
Budget |
CRIJ 2329.280 |
26948 |
Fundamentals of Criminal Law syllabi Book(s) Information |
Toth, Alexander
Budget |
CRIJ 3301.202 |
26140 |
Research Methods in Social Sci syllabi Book(s) Information |
Manganaro, Lynne
Budget |
CRIJ 3301.262 |
26913 |
Research Methods in Social Sci syllabi Book(s) Information |
Huey, Eileen
Budget |
CRIJ 3301.280 |
26949 |
Research Methods in Social Sci syllabi Book(s) Information |
Paterline, Brent
Budget |
CRIJ 3302.280 |
27103 |
Philosophy of Law syllabi Book(s) Information |
Koepsell, David
Budget |
CRIJ 3308.202 |
26914 |
Victimology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hood, Brittany
Budget |
CRIJ 3308.261 |
26915 |
Victimology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Joaquin
Budget |
CRIJ 3320.280 |
26950 |
Organized Crime syllabi Book(s) Information |
Schaefer, Christopher
Budget |
CRIJ 3320.281 |
26951 |
Organized Crime syllabi Book(s) Information |
Schaefer, Christopher
Budget |
CRIJ 3325.280 |
26952 |
Drugs in Our Society syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ferguson, Florence
Budget |
CRIJ 3325.281 |
26953 |
Drugs in Our Society syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ferguson, Florence
Budget |
CRIJ 3325.282 |
26954 |
Drugs in Our Society syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Maria
Budget |
CRIJ 4310.201 |
26972 |
Drug Trafficking syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Nilda
Budget |
CRIJ 4321.202 |
25927 |
Senior Pro-Seminar-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Scott, Daniel
Budget |
CRIJ 4321.280 |
26955 |
Senior Pro-Seminar-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ackerman, George
Budget |
CRIJ 4321.281 |
26956 |
Senior Pro-Seminar-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ackerman, George
Budget |
CRIJ 4324.280 |
26957 |
Media and Crime syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wilson, Franklin
Budget |
CRIJ 4325.201 |
25779 |
Statistics in Criminal Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lee, Narim
Budget |
CRIJ 4325.280 |
26958 |
Statistics in Criminal Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Campbell, Donald
Budget |
CRIJ 4325.281 |
26959 |
Statistics in Criminal Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Campbell, Donald
Budget |
CRIJ 4334.280 |
26960 |
Administration of Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Maria
Budget |
CRIJ 4340.202 |
26964 |
Special Issues in Criminal Jus syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hilburn, Andrew
Budget |
CRIJ 4340.260 |
26680 |
Special Issues in Criminal Jus syllabi Book(s) Information |
Akikuni, Mika
Budget |
CRIJ 4340.261 |
26350 |
Special Issues in Criminal Jus syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lee, Seungmug
Budget |
CRIJ 4340.271 |
26342 |
Special Issues in Criminal Jus syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Joaquin
Budget |
CRIJ 4340.280 |
26961 |
Special Issues in Criminal Jus syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wilson, Franklin
Budget |
CRIJ 5300.680 |
25928 |
Found in Criminal Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Toth, Alexander
Budget |
CRIJ 5300.681 |
26963 |
Found in Criminal Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carey, Marcus
Budget |
CRIJ 5320.680 |
26010 |
Advanced Methods of Social Res syllabi Book(s) Information |
Paterline, Brent
Budget |
CRIJ 5325.680 |
25930 |
Seminar in Corrections syllabi Book(s) Information |
Galli, Phillip
Budget |
CRIJ 5338.680 |
26354 |
Offenders with Mental Illness syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hood, Brittany
Budget |
CRIJ 5340.681 |
26102 |
Special Topics in Crim Justice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Laufersweiler-Dwyer, Deborah
Budget |
CRIJ 5355.680 |
26104 |
Cybercrime syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cody, Susan
Budget |
CRIJ 6304.290 |
27304 |
Adv Qualitative Methods syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lee, Seungmug
Budget |
CRIJ 6306.261 |
26917 |
Advanced Mixed Methods syllabi Book(s) Information |
Luo, Fei
Budget |
CRIJ 6307.260 |
26918 |
Seminar in Corrections syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carey, Marcus
Budget |
CRIJ 6356.261 |
26919 |
Terrorism syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cinoglu, Huseyin
Budget |
CRIJ 6361.290 |
27268 |
Program and Policy Evaluation syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cinoglu, Huseyin
Budget |
CRIJ 6397.290 |
26921 |
Research Portfolio II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Maddan, Sean
Budget |
CRIJ 6398.290 |
26922 |
Dissertation I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Maddan, Sean
Budget |
CRIJ 6399.290 |
26923 |
Dissertation II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Scott, Daniel
Budget |
CRIJ 6699.290 |
27309 |
Dissertation II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Maddan, Sean
Budget |
CSCE 1136.2L1 |
26106 |
Funds of Programming Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Villanueva, Rogelio
Budget |
CSCE 1136.2L2 |
26107 |
Funds of Programming Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Villanueva, Rogelio
Budget |
CSCE 1136.2L3 |
26430 |
Funds of Programming Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Izquierdo, Joshua
Budget |
CSCE 1136.2L4 |
26613 |
Funds of Programming Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmekawy, Ahmed
Budget |
CSCE 1137.2L1 |
26108 |
Object-Oriented Program Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salman, Bakhita
Budget |
CSCE 1137.2L2 |
26431 |
Object-Oriented Program Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Oladejo, Babatunde
Budget |
CSCE 1137.2L4 |
26994 |
Object-Oriented Program Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salman, Bakhita
Budget |
CSCE 1336.201 |
26615 |
Fundamentals of Programming syllabi Book(s) Information |
Teran, Elvira
Budget |
CSCE 1336.202 |
26109 |
Fundamentals of Programming syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salman, Bakhita
Budget |
CSCE 1336.261 |
26110 |
Fundamentals of Programming syllabi Book(s) Information |
Teran, Elvira
Budget |
CSCE 1336.262 |
26432 |
Fundamentals of Programming syllabi Book(s) Information |
Teran, Elvira
Budget |
CSCE 1337.201 |
26616 |
Object Oriented Programming syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salman, Bakhita
Budget |
CSCE 1337.204 |
26995 |
Object Oriented Programming syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salman, Bakhita
Budget |
CSCE 1337.206 |
26433 |
Object Oriented Programming syllabi Book(s) Information |
Al Lail, Mustafa
Budget |
CSCE 2330.202 |
26996 |
Digital Logic Design syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmekawy, Ahmed
Budget |
CSCE 2330.261 |
26997 |
Digital Logic Design syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmekawy, Ahmed
Budget |
CSCE 3301.201 |
26112 |
Algorithms & Data Structures syllabi Book(s) Information |
Oladejo, Babatunde
Budget |
CSCE 3301.202 |
26617 |
Algorithms & Data Structures syllabi Book(s) Information |
Al Lail, Mustafa
Budget |
CSCE 3314.202 |
26170 |
Electronic Devices & Apps syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salman, Bakhita
Budget |
CSCE 3335.201 |
26998 |
Networks & Data Communication syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ammari, Habib
Budget |
CSCE 3340.201 |
26434 |
Microprocessor Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Flores Colunga, Gerardo Ramon
Budget |
CSCE 3345.201 |
27016 |
Robotics and Automation syllabi Book(s) Information |
Flores Colunga, Gerardo Ramon
Budget |
CSCE 4295.290 |
27326 |
Undergraduate Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salman, Bakhita
Budget |
CSCE 4295.291 |
27332 |
Undergraduate Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ammari, Habib
Budget |
CSCE 4301.201 |
26999 |
Software Engineering syllabi Book(s) Information |
Oladejo, Babatunde
Budget |
CSCE 4301.202 |
27000 |
Software Engineering syllabi Book(s) Information |
Al Lail, Mustafa
Budget |
CSCE 4315.201 |
26175 |
Embedded Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hasan, Muhammad
Budget |
CSCE 4320.201 |
26436 |
Computer System Architecture syllabi Book(s) Information |
Teran, Elvira
Budget |
CSCE 4326.201 |
26437 |
Operating Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Teran, Elvira
Budget |
CSCE 4352.280 |
27018 |
Internship in Comp Sci & Engr syllabi Book(s) Information |
Dominguez-Vargas, Guillermo
Budget |
CSCE 4385.202 |
26438 |
Special Topics in CSCE syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hasan, Muhammad
Budget |
CSCE 4390.202 |
26495 |
Senior Design II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hasan, Muhammad
Budget |
CSCE 4390.206 |
27001 |
Senior Design II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Oladejo, Babatunde
Budget |
CSCE 4395.291 |
27327 |
Undergraduate Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ammari, Habib
Budget |
CSDO 3305.201 |
26319 |
Intro to Comm Disorders-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Narvaez, Blanca
Budget |
CSDO 3314.201 |
26053 |
Neuroanatomy in Comm Disorders syllabi Book(s) Information |
Maroonroge, Sumalai
Budget |
CSDO 3322.202 |
26054 |
Clinical Observation Practicum syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Nidia
Budget |
CSDO 3335.202 |
26320 |
Lang & Lit Disorders in Children syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia-Zertuche, Daniella
Budget |
CSDO 3336.201 |
26055 |
Speech Sounds Disorders syllabi Book(s) Information |
Narvaez, Blanca
Budget |
CSDO 3413.202 |
26056 |
Introduction to Audiology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Maroonroge, Sumalai
Budget |
CSDO 4199.201 |
27019 |
Topics in Comm Disorders syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia-Zertuche, Daniella
Budget |
CSDO 4300.201 |
25890 |
Multi Cltrl-Lingu Trends in CD syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Nidia
Budget |
CSDO 4322.201 |
26521 |
Intro to Research in CSDO syllabi Book(s) Information |
Maroonroge, Sumalai
Budget |
CSDO 4326.202 |
27020 |
Neurogenic Sp-Lang Disorders syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Nidia
Budget |
CSDO 4337.202 |
25691 |
Foundations of Aural Rehab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Maroonroge, Sumalai
Budget |
CSDO 4438.201 |
26160 |
Adv Clin Prac in CSDO syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia-Zertuche, Daniella
Budget |
DANC 1131.201 |
27169 |
Dance Conditioning I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rubel, Timothy
Budget |
DANC 2302.261 |
27170 |
Beginning Ballet syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rubel, Timothy
Budget |
DANC 2304.201 |
27171 |
Beginning Jazz syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rubel, Timothy
Budget |
DANC 3131.201 |
26704 |
Dance Conditioning II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rubel, Timothy
Budget |
DANC 3301.202 |
25997 |
Intermediate Modern syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rubel, Timothy
Budget |
DANC 3302.261 |
27159 |
Intermediate Ballet syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rubel, Timothy
Budget |
DANC 3304.201 |
27160 |
Intermediate Jazz syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rubel, Timothy
Budget |
DANC 3305.260 |
25999 |
Intermediate Ballet Folklorico syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lopez, Nayeli
Budget |
DANC 4305.260 |
25998 |
Advanced Ballet Folklorico syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lopez, Nayeli
Budget |
DS 2310.202 |
25582 |
Business Statistics I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pena-Sanchez, Rolando
Budget |
DS 2310.204 |
25583 |
Business Statistics I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pena-Sanchez, Rolando
Budget |
DS 2310.280 |
27135 |
Business Statistics I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Hugo
Budget |
ECO 2301.201 |
25585 |
Principles of Macroeconomics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Yang, Lukai
Budget |
ECO 2301.203 |
25584 |
Principles of Macroeconomics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Yin, Anwen
Budget |
ECO 2301.280 |
26840 |
Principles of Macroeconomics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Yin, Anwen
Budget |
ECO 2302.201 |
25586 |
Principles of Microeconomics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Im, Hyeonjin
Budget |
ECO 2302.280 |
26841 |
Principles of Microeconomics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Im, Hyeonjin
Budget |
ECO 2302.281 |
26842 |
Principles of Microeconomics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Im, Hyeonjin
Budget |
ECO 2302.282 |
27293 |
Principles of Microeconomics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Im, Hyeonjin
Budget |
ECO 3310.201 |
25587 |
Money and Banking syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ghosh, Amit
Budget |
ECO 3320.260 |
25588 |
Managerial Economics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Yayi, Constant
Budget |
ECO 3320.261 |
26505 |
Managerial Economics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Im, Hyeonjin
Budget |
ECO 3320.280 |
26843 |
Managerial Economics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Yayi, Constant
Budget |
ECO 3320.281 |
26844 |
Managerial Economics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Zago, Rafael
Budget |
ECO 3325.201 |
25647 |
Latin American Economics Iss syllabi Book(s) Information |
Zago, Rafael
Budget |
ECO 4320.202 |
25888 |
Intermediate Microeconomics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Clarke, George
Budget |
ECO 6310.260 |
26826 |
Seminar in Intl Economics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Clarke, George
Budget |
EDAM 5301.680 |
25826 |
School Administration syllabi Book(s) Information |
Viloria, Maria
Budget |
EDAM 5335.680 |
25949 |
Practicum in Sch Adm I syllabi Book(s) Information |
O'Leary, Qiana
Budget |
EDAM 5335.682 |
27225 |
Practicum in Sch Adm I syllabi Book(s) Information |
O'Leary, Qiana
Budget |
EDAM 5336.680 |
26029 |
Practicum in Sch Adm II syllabi Book(s) Information |
O'Leary, Qiana
Budget |
EDAM 5338.680 |
25866 |
Administration of Special Prog syllabi Book(s) Information |
De La Garza, Lina Marie
Budget |
EDBE 3310.261 |
27182 |
Foundations of Bilingual Edu syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Janelly
Budget |
EDBE 3325.201 |
27183 |
Theories of 2nd Lang Learning syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Janelly
Budget |
EDBE 3335.260 |
27184 |
Lang Arts Prin in Bil Settings syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Janelly
Budget |
EDBE 5310.680 |
26386 |
Hist & Phil of Bil Education syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Gilda
Budget |
EDBE 5322.680 |
26529 |
Bil Oral Lang Dev & Assessment syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Gilda
Budget |
EDBE 5325.680 |
26158 |
Teaching Engl as a Second Lang syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Gilda
Budget |
EDCI 1102.203 |
27185 |
Intro to Teaching Profession syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Francisco
Budget |
EDCI 1102.204 |
27186 |
Intro to Teaching Profession syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Maria
Budget |
EDCI 2224.280 |
27205 |
Cultural Foundations of Ed syllabi Book(s) Information |
Barragan, Irma
Budget |
EDCI 2224.281 |
27260 |
Cultural Foundations of Ed syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Sara
Budget |
EDCI 2224.282 |
27256 |
Cultural Foundations of Ed syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Sara
Budget |
EDCI 3200.202 |
27187 |
Survey of Content Know & Exper syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Michelle
Budget |
EDCI 3200.203 |
27188 |
Survey of Content Know & Exper syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Janelly
Budget |
EDCI 3301.202 |
27189 |
Assessment for Instruc Design syllabi Book(s) Information |
Perry, Cody
Budget |
EDCI 3301.203 |
27190 |
Assessment for Instruc Design syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sosa, Cynthia
Budget |
EDCI 3302.202 |
27191 |
Teaching Eng Lang Learners syllabi Book(s) Information |
Faltis, Christian
Budget |
EDCI 3302.280 |
27224 |
Teaching Eng Lang Learners syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pompa, Carmen
Budget |
EDCI 3315.260 |
27192 |
Impl Eff Inst Strat Div Lrnrs syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sosa, Cynthia
Budget |
EDCI 3315.262 |
27222 |
Impl Eff Inst Strat Div Lrnrs syllabi Book(s) Information |
Santos, Marcia
Budget |
EDCI 4310.262 |
27193 |
Engaging Learners syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pro, Guillermo
Budget |
EDCI 4310.264 |
27219 |
Engaging Learners syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Michelle
Budget |
EDCI 4693.201 |
25705 |
Clinical Teaching syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chapa, Kristina
Budget |
EDCI 5000.680 |
27271 |
Certification Readiness syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hesser, Suzzette
Budget |
EDCI 5000.681 |
27272 |
Certification Readiness syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ifekwunigwe, Ann Mary
Budget |
EDCI 5000.683 |
27273 |
Certification Readiness syllabi Book(s) Information |
Perez-Gonzalez, Esmeralda
Budget |
EDCI 5313.680 |
26467 |
Foundations of Curriculum syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gabriel, Kelci
Budget |
EDCI 5317.680 |
26015 |
Evaluation of Curr & Inst syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gill, Puneet
Budget |
EDCI 5319.680 |
26068 |
Adv Theories for Learning syllabi Book(s) Information |
Shine Edizer, Filiz
Budget |
EDCI 5319.682 |
27269 |
Adv Theories for Learning syllabi Book(s) Information |
Reyna-Barron, Elsa
Budget |
EDCI 5321.680 |
26069 |
Collegial Coaching & Mentoring syllabi Book(s) Information |
Reyna-Barron, Elsa
Budget |
EDCU 5305.680 |
26157 |
Personality & Counseling Theor syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lainas, Hanna
Budget |
EDCU 5306.680 |
26156 |
App Tech Child & Adoles Couns syllabi Book(s) Information |
Green, Dee-Anna
Budget |
EDCU 5310.680 |
26390 |
Human Growth & Develop Lifespan syllabi Book(s) Information |
Waller, Ami
Budget |
EDCU 5314.680 |
26536 |
Pre-Practicum Skills & Tech syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jamil, Madiha
Budget |
EDCU 5315.680 |
26391 |
Group Counseling syllabi Book(s) Information |
Breaker, Angela
Budget |
EDCU 5316.680 |
26393 |
School Counseling Practicum I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jamil, Madiha
Budget |
EDCU 5317.680 |
26537 |
School Counseling Practicum II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sampson, Seth
Budget |
EDCU 5320.680 |
26396 |
Crisis Inter in School Setting syllabi Book(s) Information |
Breaker, Angela
Budget |
EDCU 5322.680 |
26540 |
Fund of Addictions Counseling syllabi Book(s) Information |
Liberati, Ryan
Budget |
EDCU 5326.690 |
27322 |
Res & Prog Eval in Schl Couns syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cano Sampson, Angela
Budget |
EDEL 3362.201 |
27194 |
Lang & Lit for Young Child syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ibarra, Blanca
Budget |
EDEL 3362.203 |
27195 |
Lang & Lit for Young Child syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wang, Xuesong
Budget |
EDEL 3374.263 |
27196 |
Social Studies Prin for EC-6 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ibarra, Blanca
Budget |
EDEL 3374.265 |
27197 |
Social Studies Prin for EC-6 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Gloria
Budget |
EDEL 3384.203 |
27198 |
Science Prin for EC-Grade 6 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Guerra, Michael
Budget |
EDEL 3384.204 |
27199 |
Science Prin for EC-Grade 6 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Guerra, Michael
Budget |
EDEL 3394.260 |
27200 |
Math Prin for EC-Grade 6 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Perry, Cody
Budget |
EDEL 3394.262 |
27201 |
Math Prin for EC-Grade 6 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Perry, Cody
Budget |
EDGR 5321.680 |
26732 |
Making Know Accessible to Stud syllabi Book(s) Information |
Allen, Doretha
Budget |
EDGR 5323.680 |
25970 |
Data Drvn Decision Mkg in Ed syllabi Book(s) Information |
Viloria, Maria
Budget |
EDIT 5320.680 |
26472 |
Inst Lead & Tech Integration syllabi Book(s) Information |
Anyanwu, Kele
Budget |
EDIT 5330.680 |
26544 |
Teach Learn & Assessing Dig Age syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sosa, Cynthia
Budget |
EDLD 5314.680 |
26547 |
Data Inf Dec Mak for Clm Lds syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rogers, Craig
Budget |
EDLD 5316.680 |
26548 |
Characts of Effec Sch Leaders syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lozano, Ricardo
Budget |
EDRD 3303.202 |
27202 |
Teaching Reading & Lang Arts syllabi Book(s) Information |
Shine Edizer, Filiz
Budget |
EDRD 3309.280 |
27206 |
Fdn. & Strat. Teach Lit EC-12 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Godina, Heriberto
Budget |
EDRD 3320.280 |
27207 |
Content Reading syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mendiola, Alma
Budget |
EDRD 4311.280 |
27208 |
Classrm Diag & Rem of Rdg Diff syllabi Book(s) Information |
Godina, Heriberto
Budget |
EDRD 5303.680 |
27248 |
Theoretical Models & Proc Rdg syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lira, Juan
Budget |
EDRD 5319.680 |
26550 |
Adv Diag Reading Difficulties syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wang, Xuesong
Budget |
EDRD 5321.680 |
27227 |
Literacy Interv Diverse Pop syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cantu, Cynthia
Budget |
EDSE 3310.280 |
27209 |
High Incidence Disabilities syllabi Book(s) Information |
Santiago Rimocal, Maria
Budget |
EDSE 3315.280 |
27216 |
Low Incidence Disabilities syllabi Book(s) Information |
Santiago Rimocal, Maria
Budget |
EDSE 3320.280 |
27215 |
Measurement & Eval for Spe Ed syllabi Book(s) Information |
Benavides, Brenda
Budget |
EDSE 4330.280 |
27210 |
Special Ed Law & Procedures syllabi Book(s) Information |
Benavides, Brenda
Budget |
EDSE 4350.271 |
25722 |
Inc Pract Ch & Yth W/Disablts syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chapa, Kristina
Budget |
EDSE 5307.680 |
26553 |
Evid-Based Prac for Stu w/Dis syllabi Book(s) Information |
Portilla, Liliana
Budget |
EDSE 5309.680 |
26554 |
Special Ed Law & Ethical Resp syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kim, Won
Budget |
EDSE 5310.683 |
27274 |
Survey of Mild Disabilities syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ben-Hanania Lenz, Blanchard
Budget |
EDSE 5325.680 |
26556 |
Clsrm & Beh Mang Excptl Child syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Randel
Budget |
EDSE 5330.680 |
26557 |
Acad Achievement Assessment syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ben-Hanania Lenz, Blanchard
Budget |
EDSE 5345.680 |
26559 |
Pract Educational Diagnostics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Portilla, Liliana
Budget |
EDSE 5350.680 |
26561 |
Assessment for Diag & Inter syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kim, Won
Budget |
EDSE 5364.680 |
26563 |
Coll & Cons in Edu Settings syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Randel
Budget |
EDSE 5390.680 |
26464 |
Trends & Issues in Special Edu syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kim, Won
Budget |
EDYC 3350.264 |
27203 |
Home School Comm Relations syllabi Book(s) Information |
Barragan, Irma
Budget |
EDYC 3366.280 |
27212 |
Curr Foundtns for Yng Children syllabi Book(s) Information |
Diri Rieder, Youmna
Budget |
EDYC 4325.280 |
27213 |
Trends & Iss in Early Learning syllabi Book(s) Information |
Diri Rieder, Youmna
Budget |
ENGL 1301.204 |
26202 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chacon, Kaitlyn
Budget |
ENGL 1301.205 |
25608 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chang, Jeong
Budget |
ENGL 1301.206 |
26203 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chacon, Kaitlyn
Budget |
ENGL 1301.207 |
25607 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chang, Jeong
Budget |
ENGL 1301.211 |
26211 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Simmons, Andrew
Budget |
ENGL 1301.212 |
26406 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Jonathan
Budget |
ENGL 1301.214 |
27303 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Niemeyer, Paul
Budget |
ENGL 1301.216 |
27312 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Powers, Keaton
Budget |
ENGL 1301.260 |
27034 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Briones, Trishia
Budget |
ENGL 1301.271 |
26564 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Escamilla Deliganis, Juanita
Budget |
ENGL 1301.280 |
26413 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Baker, Julie
Budget |
ENGL 1301.282 |
27085 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Baker, Julie
Budget |
ENGL 1301.283 |
27292 |
English Composition I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Escamilla Deliganis, Juanita
Budget |
ENGL 1302.202 |
26204 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Jillian
Budget |
ENGL 1302.204 |
25620 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Aradillas, Cynthia
Budget |
ENGL 1302.205 |
25956 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Powers, Keaton
Budget |
ENGL 1302.206 |
25616 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Walker, Jessica
Budget |
ENGL 1302.207 |
25932 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Jillian
Budget |
ENGL 1302.208 |
25614 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Powers, Keaton
Budget |
ENGL 1302.209 |
26205 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jarrell, Rosario
Budget |
ENGL 1302.210 |
25933 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Aradillas, Cynthia
Budget |
ENGL 1302.211 |
26414 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Powers, Keaton
Budget |
ENGL 1302.214 |
25936 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Powers, Keaton
Budget |
ENGL 1302.215 |
26415 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Jillian
Budget |
ENGL 1302.217 |
26565 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jarrell, Rosario
Budget |
ENGL 1302.218 |
25615 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Briones, Trishia
Budget |
ENGL 1302.220 |
26206 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Powers, Keaton
Budget |
ENGL 1302.223 |
25611 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jarrell, Rosario
Budget |
ENGL 1302.227 |
25935 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jarrell, Rosario
Budget |
ENGL 1302.231 |
26568 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Jillian
Budget |
ENGL 1302.233 |
25610 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Simmons, Andrew
Budget |
ENGL 1302.235 |
27035 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lindberg, Kevin
Budget |
ENGL 1302.237 |
27036 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lindberg, Kevin
Budget |
ENGL 1302.239 |
27037 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rigal McCann, Judith
Budget |
ENGL 1302.241 |
27038 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Simmons, Andrew
Budget |
ENGL 1302.243 |
27039 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rigal McCann, Judith
Budget |
ENGL 1302.245 |
27040 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rigal McCann, Judith
Budget |
ENGL 1302.247 |
27041 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rigal McCann, Judith
Budget |
ENGL 1302.253 |
27044 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Jillian
Budget |
ENGL 1302.254 |
27045 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Jillian
Budget |
ENGL 1302.256 |
27047 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Powers, Keaton
Budget |
ENGL 1302.282 |
25617 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Castro, Melissa
Budget |
ENGL 1302.285 |
27086 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mendoza, Ana
Budget |
ENGL 1302.286 |
27087 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Idrogo, Cynthia
Budget |
ENGL 1302.287 |
27088 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Idrogo, Cynthia
Budget |
ENGL 1302.288 |
27089 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Castro, Melissa
Budget |
ENGL 1302.28A |
27091 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Aradillas, Cynthia
Budget |
ENGL 1302.681 |
26407 |
English Composition II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mendoza, Ana
Budget |
ENGL 2307.201 |
27049 |
Intro to Creative Writing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Walker, Jessica
Budget |
ENGL 2311.201 |
26138 |
Technical Communication-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Simmons, Andrew
Budget |
ENGL 2311.204 |
25621 |
Technical Communication-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Simmons, Andrew
Budget |
ENGL 2311.280 |
26417 |
Technical Communication-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Nelson, Sharity
Budget |
ENGL 2311.281 |
26418 |
Technical Communication-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Walker, Jessica
Budget |
ENGL 2322.203 |
25623 |
British Lit Through Neoclass syllabi Book(s) Information |
Haynes, Robert
Budget |
ENGL 2323.201 |
25624 |
British Lit: Romantics-Pres syllabi Book(s) Information |
Niemeyer, Paul
Budget |
ENGL 2323.206 |
27050 |
British Lit: Romantics-Pres syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kozaczka, Adam
Budget |
ENGL 2328.201 |
27095 |
American Lit: Civil War-Pres syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hernandez, Zachary
Budget |
ENGL 2328.203 |
27051 |
American Lit: Civil War-Pres syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hernandez, Zachary
Budget |
ENGL 2328.204 |
25625 |
American Lit: Civil War-Pres syllabi Book(s) Information |
Racine, Nathaniel
Budget |
ENGL 3322.201 |
27053 |
The 17th Century syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lindberg, Kevin
Budget |
ENGL 3327.201 |
27054 |
British Lit from WWII to Pres syllabi Book(s) Information |
Niemeyer, Paul
Budget |
ENGL 3361.202 |
25655 |
Multicultural Children's Lit syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sanchez, Bernice
Budget |
ENGL 3361.204 |
27055 |
Multicultural Children's Lit syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sanchez, Bernice
Budget |
ENGL 3361.206 |
27308 |
Multicultural Children's Lit syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sanchez, Bernice
Budget |
ENGL 4307.260 |
26282 |
Creative Writing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Walker, Jessica
Budget |
ENGL 4313.201 |
25657 |
English Grammar syllabi Book(s) Information |
Nelson, Sharity
Budget |
ENGL 4321.202 |
27056 |
Major British Authors syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kozaczka, Adam
Budget |
ENGL 4324.261 |
27057 |
Women in Shakespeare syllabi Book(s) Information |
Haynes, Robert
Budget |
ENGL 4334.201 |
27058 |
American Literary Renaissance syllabi Book(s) Information |
Murphy, Jonathan
Budget |
ENGL 4399.201 |
25807 |
Senior Seminar - WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hernandez, Zachary
Budget |
ENGL 5326.202 |
27096 |
Studies in 19th-Cent Brit Lit syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kozaczka, Adam
Budget |
ENGL 5332.261 |
27059 |
Studies in 19th Century Am Lit syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lelekis, Debbie
Budget |
ENGL 5382.262 |
27060 |
Theory & Practice of Lit Crit syllabi Book(s) Information |
Racine, Nathaniel
Budget |
ENGL 5399.201 |
27254 |
Thesis II: Comp & Defense syllabi Book(s) Information |
Murphy, Jonathan
Budget |
ENGL 5399.202 |
27257 |
Thesis II: Comp & Defense syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hernandez, Zachary
Budget |
ENGL 5399.203 |
27255 |
Thesis II: Comp & Defense syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sanchez, Bernice
Budget |
ENGL 5399.204 |
27275 |
Thesis II: Comp & Defense syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kozaczka, Adam
Budget |
ENGL 5399.205 |
27276 |
Thesis II: Comp & Defense syllabi Book(s) Information |
Racine, Nathaniel
Budget |
ENGR 1201.201 |
26445 |
Foundations of Engineering I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmasry, Youssef
Budget |
ENGR 1201.280 |
26444 |
Foundations of Engineering I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Maldonado, Sofia
Budget |
ENGR 1202.280 |
26623 |
Foundations of Engineering II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ganta, Deepak
Budget |
ENGR 1304.201 |
27002 |
Computer-Aided Design syllabi Book(s) Information |
Oladejo, Babatunde
Budget |
ENGR 1304.202 |
27003 |
Computer-Aided Design syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmekawy, Ahmed
Budget |
ENGR 2103.2L1 |
26043 |
Statics & Dynamics Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmasry, Youssef
Budget |
ENGR 2103.2L2 |
26619 |
Statics & Dynamics Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmasry, Youssef
Budget |
ENGR 2105.2L1 |
25753 |
Principles of Elec Engr Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmekawy, Ahmed
Budget |
ENGR 2105.2L2 |
26042 |
Principles of Elec Engr Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmekawy, Ahmed
Budget |
ENGR 2105.2L3 |
27004 |
Principles of Elec Engr Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmekawy, Ahmed
Budget |
ENGR 2303.202 |
25754 |
Statics & Dynamics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmasry, Youssef
Budget |
ENGR 2305.201 |
25755 |
Principles of Elec Engineering syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ganta, Deepak
Budget |
ENGR 2360.201 |
27005 |
Thermodynamics & Fluid Mech syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmasry, Youssef
Budget |
ENGR 2372.201 |
25756 |
Engineering Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sharadga, Hussein
Budget |
ENGR 2372.202 |
26755 |
Engineering Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmekawy, Ahmed
Budget |
ENGR 2390.202 |
26620 |
Mechanics of Materials syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elmasry, Youssef
Budget |
ENGR 3300.280 |
26453 |
Engineering Economics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Maldonado, Sofia
Budget |
ENGR 3300.281 |
26621 |
Engineering Economics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Maldonado, Sofia
Budget |
ENSC 4170.201 |
26804 |
Senior Seminar syllabi Book(s) Information |
Tobin, Kenneth
Budget |
EPSC 1170.2L1 |
26441 |
Survey of Earth Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bennett, Marvin
Budget |
EPSC 1170.2L2 |
26447 |
Survey of Earth Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bennett, Marvin
Budget |
EPSC 1170.2L3 |
26448 |
Survey of Earth Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bennett, Marvin
Budget |
EPSC 1170.2L4 |
26449 |
Survey of Earth Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Crick, Rex
Budget |
EPSC 1170.2L5 |
26450 |
Survey of Earth Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Crick, Rex
Budget |
EPSC 1170.2L6 |
26626 |
Survey of Earth Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Crick, Rex
Budget |
EPSC 1170.2L7 |
27258 |
Survey of Earth Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Khan, Hammad
Budget |
EPSC 1370.202 |
26113 |
Survey of Earth Science syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bennett, Marvin
Budget |
EPSC 1370.204 |
27015 |
Survey of Earth Science syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bennett, Marvin
Budget |
EPSC 1370.280 |
26451 |
Survey of Earth Science syllabi Book(s) Information |
Crick, Rex
Budget |
FIN 3310.201 |
25769 |
Introduction to Finance syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Antonio
Budget |
FIN 3310.203 |
26827 |
Introduction to Finance syllabi Book(s) Information |
Owusu-Peprah, Nana Twum
Budget |
FIN 3310.260 |
25589 |
Introduction to Finance syllabi Book(s) Information |
Graham, Nathaniel
Budget |
FIN 3310.280 |
26845 |
Introduction to Finance syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Antonio
Budget |
FIN 3311.202 |
25989 |
Personal Finance syllabi Book(s) Information |
Graham, Nathaniel
Budget |
FIN 3320.202 |
25590 |
Financial Institutions Mgt & Reg syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brusa, Jorge
Budget |
FIN 3331.280 |
26846 |
Risk Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
Yang, Lukai
Budget |
FIN 3360.260 |
25869 |
Managerial Finance syllabi Book(s) Information |
Graham, Nathaniel
Budget |
FIN 4335.201 |
26828 |
Portfolio Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chen, Shu-Hsiu
Budget |
FIN 4340.260 |
26829 |
FinTech Fundamentals syllabi Book(s) Information |
Faisal, Nur
Budget |
FIN 4385.280 |
26847 |
Strategic Financial Mgt syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Heriberto
Budget |
FIN 5380.680 |
26849 |
International Finance syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chen, Shu-Hsiu
Budget |
FREN 1311.202 |
26672 |
Elementary French I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Tadoum, Jean Paul
Budget |
FREN 1311.203 |
27061 |
Elementary French I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carriere, Melody
Budget |
FREN 1312.201 |
26005 |
Elementary French II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carriere, Julien
Budget |
FREN 1312.202 |
26673 |
Elementary French II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Tadoum, Jean Paul
Budget |
FREN 1312.203 |
27097 |
Elementary French II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carriere, Julien
Budget |
FREN 1620.202 |
27062 |
Elementary French I and II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carriere, Melody
Budget |
FREN 1620.204 |
27098 |
Elementary French I and II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carriere, Melody
Budget |
FREN 1620.280 |
26419 |
Elementary French I and II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carriere, Melody
Budget |
GEOG 3352.202 |
26924 |
Latin American Historical Geog syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hilburn, Andrew
Budget |
GEOG 3354.202 |
26925 |
GIS for the Social Sciences syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hilburn, Andrew
Budget |
GEOL 1103.2L1 |
25765 |
Intro to Physical Geology Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Li, Zhiyang
Budget |
GEOL 1103.2L2 |
25764 |
Intro to Physical Geology Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Li, Zhiyang
Budget |
GEOL 1103.2L3 |
25766 |
Intro to Physical Geology Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Li, Zhiyang
Budget |
GEOL 1303.201 |
25767 |
Intro to Physical Geology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Bennett, Marvin
Budget |
GEOL 3420.202 |
27006 |
Petroleum Geology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Li, Zhiyang
Budget |
GEOL 4450.202 |
27007 |
Geo Info Science for Engr syllabi Book(s) Information |
Tobin, Kenneth
Budget |
GERM 1311.202 |
27063 |
Beginning German I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Tadoum, Jean Paul
Budget |
GERM 1620.280 |
26420 |
Beginning German I & II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Tadoum, Jean Paul
Budget |
HIST 1301.201 |
25660 |
The US to 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Weight, Donovan
Budget |
HIST 1301.203 |
25658 |
The US to 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Jose
Budget |
HIST 1301.204 |
26116 |
The US to 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Jose
Budget |
HIST 1301.205 |
27064 |
The US to 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Weight, Donovan
Budget |
HIST 1301.261 |
25659 |
The US to 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Noe
Budget |
HIST 1301.280 |
26421 |
The US to 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Weight, Donovan
Budget |
HIST 1301.282 |
27289 |
The US to 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Travis, Philip
Budget |
HIST 1302.201 |
25808 |
The US Since 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Blackwell, Deborah
Budget |
HIST 1302.203 |
26118 |
The US Since 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Blackwell, Deborah
Budget |
HIST 1302.204 |
25960 |
The US Since 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Weight, Donovan
Budget |
HIST 1302.205 |
25957 |
The US Since 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Jose
Budget |
HIST 1302.209 |
26120 |
The US Since 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Jose
Budget |
HIST 1302.212 |
27099 |
The US Since 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Weight, Donovan
Budget |
HIST 1302.213 |
27065 |
The US Since 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Miranda, Agustin
Budget |
HIST 1302.214 |
27066 |
The US Since 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Jose
Budget |
HIST 1302.261 |
25661 |
The US Since 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Miranda, Agustin
Budget |
HIST 1302.281 |
26423 |
The US Since 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Paroo, Alia
Budget |
HIST 1302.282 |
27100 |
The US Since 1877 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Paroo, Alia
Budget |
HIST 2322.201 |
25662 |
Western Civilization syllabi Book(s) Information |
Scott, Teresa
Budget |
HIST 3302.202 |
27067 |
History of Texas syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hazelton, Andrew
Budget |
HIST 3310.280 |
26749 |
Military History of the US syllabi Book(s) Information |
Duffy, Stephen
Budget |
HIST 3393.202 |
27068 |
History of Africa to 1880 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Berktay, Asligul
Budget |
HIST 4310.202 |
25973 |
Historical Perspectives-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Berktay, Asligul
Budget |
HIST 4318.201 |
27069 |
Age of Jackson to Civil War syllabi Book(s) Information |
Weight, Donovan
Budget |
HIST 4337.201 |
27070 |
Roman History syllabi Book(s) Information |
Scott, Teresa
Budget |
HIST 4342.202 |
27071 |
Modern Europe: 1914-1990 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Duffy, Stephen
Budget |
HIST 4368.202 |
27072 |
United States Since 1945 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Blackwell, Deborah
Budget |
HIST 5170.201 |
27226 |
Directed Research in History syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hazelton, Andrew
Budget |
HIST 5324.261 |
27073 |
Seminar in US Women's Hist syllabi Book(s) Information |
Blackwell, Deborah
Budget |
HIST 5380.261 |
27074 |
Historiography syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hazelton, Andrew
Budget |
HIST 5398.290 |
27075 |
Thesis I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Murphy, Jonathan
Budget |
HIST 5399.290 |
27076 |
Thesis II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Murphy, Jonathan
Budget |
ITAL 1311.201 |
27077 |
Elementary Italian I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carriere, Julien
Budget |
ITAL 1312.280 |
25663 |
Elementary Italian II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carriere, Julien
Budget |
ITAL 1620.280 |
26122 |
Elementary Italian I & II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carriere, Julien
Budget |
KINE 1101.202 |
26161 |
Aerobic Activities syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gaeta, Vivian
Budget |
KINE 1101.204 |
25706 |
Aerobic Activities syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Andrea
Budget |
KINE 1102.201 |
26457 |
Team Activities syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Andrea
Budget |
KINE 1102.202 |
26458 |
Team Activities syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gaeta, Vivian
Budget |
KINE 1102.203 |
26459 |
Team Activities syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Andrea
Budget |
KINE 1102.204 |
26460 |
Team Activities syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gaeta, Vivian
Budget |
KINE 1102.205 |
26461 |
Team Activities syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Andrea
Budget |
KINE 1111.201 |
25728 |
Weight Training & Conditioning syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lansford, Kristal
Budget |
KINE 1111.203 |
26162 |
Weight Training & Conditioning syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lansford, Kristal
Budget |
KINE 2224.202 |
26522 |
Team and Individual Sports syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lansford, Kristal
Budget |
KINE 2300.201 |
25750 |
Physical Fitness syllabi Book(s) Information |
Villarreal, Linda
Budget |
KINE 2301.201 |
26045 |
Foundations of Fitness & Sports syllabi Book(s) Information |
Villarreal, Linda
Budget |
KINE 2303.201 |
25977 |
Care & Preven of Athl Injuries syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lansford, Kristal
Budget |
KINE 2312.280 |
26321 |
Anatomical Kinesiology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Humberto
Budget |
KINE 2322.280 |
26322 |
Pathophysiology Allied Health syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Humberto
Budget |
KINE 3207.281 |
27025 |
Hlth & Phys Ed for Elem Sch syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Humberto
Budget |
KINE 3310.201 |
27021 |
Tching Phys Ed in Sec Schools syllabi Book(s) Information |
Norris, Jason
Budget |
KINE 3311.201 |
27022 |
Physiology of Exercise syllabi Book(s) Information |
Park, Kyung-Shin
Budget |
KINE 3312.280 |
26323 |
Principles of Health Promo-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lansford, Kristal
Budget |
KINE 3314.201 |
25978 |
Tests and Evaluation syllabi Book(s) Information |
Seiba Moris, Jose
Budget |
KINE 3315.201 |
27023 |
Scien Prin of Streng & Conditi syllabi Book(s) Information |
Villarreal, Linda
Budget |
KINE 3316.201 |
27024 |
Psych Aspects of Sport & Exercis syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cho, Seongkwan
Budget |
KINE 3317.280 |
27026 |
Nutrition for Exercise & Sports syllabi Book(s) Information |
Villarreal, Linda
Budget |
KINE 3319.202 |
26324 |
Research Methods syllabi Book(s) Information |
Seiba Moris, Jose
Budget |
KINE 4313.262 |
26057 |
Therap Modali for Ath Trainers syllabi Book(s) Information |
Coronado, Jorge
Budget |
KINE 4316.262 |
26058 |
Princ of Motor Learn & Control syllabi Book(s) Information |
Coronado, Jorge
Budget |
KINE 4317.280 |
27027 |
Foundations of Sports Mgt syllabi Book(s) Information |
Park, Kyung-Shin
Budget |
KINE 4319.201 |
26059 |
Practicum in Kinesiology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Villarreal, Linda
Budget |
KINE 4320.202 |
26060 |
Special Topics in Kinesiology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lansford, Kristal
Budget |
KINE 4336.280 |
26523 |
Psyc of Sport Injury & Rehab WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cho, Seongkwan
Budget |
KINE 4336.281 |
27263 |
Psyc of Sport Injury & Rehab WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cho, Seongkwan
Budget |
LLTH 5398.201 |
27310 |
Thesis I: Proposal & Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez-Samos, Jose
Budget |
LLTH 5398.291 |
27333 |
Thesis I: Proposal & Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Norris, Lola
Budget |
LLTH 5399.201 |
27306 |
Thesis II: Comp & Defense syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez-Samos, Jose
Budget |
MATH 1314.201 |
25491 |
College Algebra syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Judy
Budget |
MATH 1314.202 |
25800 |
College Algebra syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arellano, Juan
Budget |
MATH 1314.203 |
25492 |
College Algebra syllabi Book(s) Information |
De Los Santos, Madison
Budget |
MATH 1314.205 |
25493 |
College Algebra syllabi Book(s) Information |
Guerrero, Dagoberto
Budget |
MATH 1314.206 |
25494 |
College Algebra syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Judy
Budget |
MATH 1314.209 |
25490 |
College Algebra syllabi Book(s) Information |
San Miguel-G, Miguel
Budget |
MATH 1314.211 |
26863 |
College Algebra syllabi Book(s) Information |
De Los Santos, Madison
Budget |
MATH 1314.280 |
26263 |
College Algebra syllabi Book(s) Information |
San Miguel-G, Miguel
Budget |
MATH 1316.202 |
25495 |
Plane Trigonometry syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Judy
Budget |
MATH 1324.201 |
25496 |
Business Math I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Judy
Budget |
MATH 1324.202 |
25925 |
Business Math I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Whitfield, Charles
Budget |
MATH 1324.203 |
26264 |
Business Math I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Judy
Budget |
MATH 1324.260 |
25865 |
Business Math I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Guerrero, Dagoberto
Budget |
MATH 1325.201 |
25968 |
Business Math II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Basavarajappa, Mahanthesh
Budget |
MATH 1325.202 |
26286 |
Business Math II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Guerrero, Dagoberto
Budget |
MATH 1325.204 |
26630 |
Business Math II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rico, Jose
Budget |
MATH 1325.206 |
25498 |
Business Math II syllabi Book(s) Information |
De Los Santos, Madison
Budget |
MATH 1325.207 |
26265 |
Business Math II syllabi Book(s) Information |
De Los Santos, Madison
Budget |
MATH 1325.209 |
26850 |
Business Math II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Goonatilake, Rohitha
Budget |
MATH 1325.261 |
25497 |
Business Math II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wang, Hongwei
Budget |
MATH 1332.201 |
25514 |
Mathematics for Liberal Arts I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Whitfield, Charles
Budget |
MATH 1332.202 |
26378 |
Mathematics for Liberal Arts I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Whitfield, Charles
Budget |
MATH 1342.201 |
26072 |
Introductory Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Castaneda, Jeffrey
Budget |
MATH 1342.202 |
26071 |
Introductory Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hussain, Saqib
Budget |
MATH 1342.203 |
26075 |
Introductory Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gutierrez, Judy
Budget |
MATH 1342.204 |
26074 |
Introductory Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wang, Hongwei
Budget |
MATH 1342.205 |
26073 |
Introductory Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Castaneda, Jeffrey
Budget |
MATH 1342.207 |
26076 |
Introductory Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Acosta, Asela
Budget |
MATH 1342.261 |
26077 |
Introductory Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
De Los Santos, Madison
Budget |
MATH 1342.680 |
26078 |
Introductory Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Gerardo
Budget |
MATH 1342.681 |
26271 |
Introductory Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Gerardo
Budget |
MATH 1350.202 |
26379 |
Fundamentals of Mathematics I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arellano, Juan
Budget |
MATH 1351.201 |
25500 |
Fundamentals of Mathematics II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arellano, Juan
Budget |
MATH 2412.201 |
25516 |
Pre-Calculus syllabi Book(s) Information |
Castaneda, Jeffrey
Budget |
MATH 2412.203 |
25782 |
Pre-Calculus syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hussain, Saqib
Budget |
MATH 2412.204 |
25517 |
Pre-Calculus syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rico, Jose
Budget |
MATH 2412.205 |
26080 |
Pre-Calculus syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Gerardo
Budget |
MATH 2412.206 |
26079 |
Pre-Calculus syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rico, Jose
Budget |
MATH 2412.207 |
26864 |
Pre-Calculus syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hussain, Saqib
Budget |
MATH 2413.201 |
25519 |
Calculus I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Whitfield, Charles
Budget |
MATH 2413.203 |
26380 |
Calculus I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Gerardo
Budget |
MATH 2413.204 |
26631 |
Calculus I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hussain, Saqib
Budget |
MATH 2414.201 |
27285 |
Calculus II syllabi Book(s) Information |
San Miguel-G, Miguel
Budget |
MATH 2414.202 |
25965 |
Calculus II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Saikali, Norma
Budget |
MATH 2414.203 |
26381 |
Calculus II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Gerardo
Budget |
MATH 2415.201 |
25521 |
Calculus III syllabi Book(s) Information |
Saikali, Norma
Budget |
MATH 2415.202 |
26266 |
Calculus III syllabi Book(s) Information |
Contreras, Cesar
Budget |
MATH 3310.201 |
26852 |
Introduction to Linear Algebra syllabi Book(s) Information |
Contreras, Cesar
Budget |
MATH 3310.202 |
25522 |
Introduction to Linear Algebra syllabi Book(s) Information |
San Miguel-G, Miguel
Budget |
MATH 3325.201 |
25801 |
Geometry syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arellano, Juan
Budget |
MATH 3330.202 |
25524 |
Ordinary Diff Equations syllabi Book(s) Information |
Contreras, Cesar
Budget |
MATH 3330.261 |
26487 |
Ordinary Diff Equations syllabi Book(s) Information |
Patricio, Orlando
Budget |
MATH 3365.201 |
25926 |
Discrete Mathematics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Contreras, Cesar
Budget |
MATH 3365.260 |
26490 |
Discrete Mathematics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Exiquio
Budget |
MATH 4315.261 |
26853 |
Abstract Algebra II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Basavarajappa, Mahanthesh
Budget |
MATH 4330.202 |
26854 |
Numerical Linear Algebra syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lin, Runchang
Budget |
MATH 4345.260 |
26855 |
Complex Variables syllabi Book(s) Information |
Saikali, Norma
Budget |
MATH 4355.260 |
27296 |
Selected Topics in Math syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lin, Runchang
Budget |
MATH 4380.290 |
27300 |
Undergraduate Research in Math syllabi Book(s) Information |
Basavarajappa, Mahanthesh
Budget |
MATH 4390.280 |
26384 |
Math in Middle & High School syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arellano, Juan
Budget |
MATH 5355.260 |
27297 |
Advanced Topics in Mathematics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lin, Runchang
Budget |
MATH 5375.261 |
26857 |
Probability syllabi Book(s) Information |
Saikali, Norma
Budget |
MATH 5399.290 |
26859 |
Thesis II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Goonatilake, Rohitha
Budget |
MGT 3310.202 |
25591 |
Principles of Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gopal, Prashanth
Budget |
MGT 3310.261 |
25592 |
Principles of Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Richard
Budget |
MGT 3310.280 |
27136 |
Principles of Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
McGuire, Michael
Budget |
MGT 3310.281 |
27137 |
Principles of Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
Benavides, Jacqueline
Budget |
MGT 3320.260 |
25593 |
Organizational Behavior syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mukherji, Ananda
Budget |
MGT 3340.280 |
27138 |
Business Ethics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ferdin, Jose
Budget |
MGT 3340.281 |
27139 |
Business Ethics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Emegwa, Tochukwu Josephat
Budget |
MGT 4340.261 |
25889 |
Leadership Theory and Practice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Fuad, Mohammad
Budget |
MGT 4340.280 |
27140 |
Leadership Theory and Practice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Buentello, Graciela
Budget |
MGT 4360.202 |
25594 |
Entrepreneurship & Mgt of Innov syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mukherji, Ananda
Budget |
MGT 4360.261 |
27121 |
Entrepreneurship & Mgt of Innov syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mukherji, Ananda
Budget |
MGT 5310.2H1 |
27122 |
Seminar in Management Concepts syllabi Book(s) Information |
Aguirre-Milling, Homero
Budget |
MGT 5310.2H2 |
27141 |
Seminar in Management Concepts syllabi Book(s) Information |
Aguirre-Milling, Homero
Budget |
MGT 5310.680 |
25648 |
Seminar in Management Concepts syllabi Book(s) Information |
Aguirre-Milling, Homero
Budget |
MGT 5310.681 |
26037 |
Seminar in Management Concepts syllabi Book(s) Information |
Venugopal, Ajith
Budget |
MGT 5310.682 |
26169 |
Seminar in Management Concepts syllabi Book(s) Information |
Flores, Juan
Budget |
MGT 5312.680 |
27221 |
International Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cavazos-Garza, Agustina
Budget |
MGT 5317.680 |
27142 |
Leadership & Decision Making syllabi Book(s) Information |
Aguirre-Milling, Homero
Budget |
MGT 5317.681 |
27143 |
Leadership & Decision Making syllabi Book(s) Information |
Aguirre-Milling, Homero
Budget |
MIS 3310.261 |
25597 |
Management Information Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Hugo
Budget |
MIS 3310.280 |
27145 |
Management Information Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Hugo
Budget |
MIS 3310.281 |
27146 |
Management Information Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Hugo
Budget |
MIS 3310.282 |
27147 |
Management Information Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Hugo
Budget |
MIS 3330.260 |
25598 |
Database Design Implementation syllabi Book(s) Information |
Montemayor, Alfredo
Budget |
MIS 3360.201 |
25599 |
Business Data Visualization syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chen, Yong
Budget |
MIS 4380.202 |
25600 |
Business Decision Modeling syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wang, Haibo
Budget |
MIS 4399.261 |
25649 |
Issues in Information Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hubona, Geoffrey
Budget |
MIS 5201.680 |
26049 |
Information Systems & Programm syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elias, Nilsa
Budget |
MIS 5340.680 |
26167 |
Networks & Distributed Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chen, Yong
Budget |
MIS 5375.680 |
26519 |
Data Mining & Bus Analytics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carmona, Jesus
Budget |
MIS 6310.202 |
27123 |
Seminar in Global Systems Mgt syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kock, Nereu
Budget |
MKT 3310.201 |
25601 |
Principles of Marketing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Patwardhan, Abhijit
Budget |
MKT 3310.202 |
25602 |
Principles of Marketing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mukherji, Jyotsna
Budget |
MKT 3310.280 |
26509 |
Principles of Marketing syllabi Book(s) Information |
McNeil, Katrell
Budget |
MKT 3330.202 |
25603 |
Advertising & Promotion Mgt syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wei, Yinghong
Budget |
MKT 4310.203 |
26830 |
International Marketing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Patwardhan, Abhijit
Budget |
MKT 4310.280 |
25604 |
International Marketing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Patwardhan, Abhijit
Budget |
MKT 4330.202 |
25605 |
Marketing Management syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mukherji, Jyotsna
Budget |
MKT 5310.680 |
26164 |
Seminar in Marketing Mgt syllabi Book(s) Information |
Reinert, Cristina
Budget |
MKT 5310.681 |
26163 |
Seminar in Marketing Mgt syllabi Book(s) Information |
Reinert, Cristina
Budget |
MKT 6310.202 |
26831 |
Seminar in International Mkt syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wei, Yinghong
Budget |
MUEN 1130.201 |
25729 |
Chorale syllabi Book(s) Information |
Crabtree, Dana
Budget |
MUEN 1133.262 |
25730 |
Guitar Ensemble syllabi Book(s) Information |
Soto, Gilberto
Budget |
MUEN 1140.202 |
25731 |
Band syllabi Book(s) Information |
Moyer, James
Budget |
MUEN 1143.202 |
25732 |
TAMIU Orchestra syllabi Book(s) Information |
Aguilar, Tomas
Budget |
MUEN 1146.201 |
26705 |
Jazz Ensemble syllabi Book(s) Information |
Quintero, Jerry
Budget |
MUEN 1150.201 |
25733 |
Chamber Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Boseman, Mark
Budget |
MUEN 1150.203 |
26004 |
Chamber Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elizondo, Javier
Budget |
MUEN 1150.205 |
27242 |
Chamber Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mann, Michael
Budget |
MUEN 3130.201 |
25736 |
Chorale syllabi Book(s) Information |
Crabtree, Dana
Budget |
MUEN 3133.262 |
25737 |
Guitar Ensemble syllabi Book(s) Information |
Soto, Gilberto
Budget |
MUEN 3140.202 |
25738 |
Band syllabi Book(s) Information |
Moyer, James
Budget |
MUEN 3143.202 |
25739 |
TAMIU Orchestra syllabi Book(s) Information |
Aguilar, Tomas
Budget |
MUEN 3146.201 |
26706 |
Jazz Ensemble syllabi Book(s) Information |
Quintero, Jerry
Budget |
MUEN 3150.201 |
25741 |
Chamber Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Boseman, Mark
Budget |
MUEN 3150.203 |
27243 |
Chamber Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mann, Michael
Budget |
MUEN 3150.209 |
27163 |
Chamber Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Elizondo, Javier
Budget |
MUSI 1117.202 |
25812 |
Aural Training II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gorbunova, Tatiana
Budget |
MUSI 1182.203 |
25742 |
Piano Class II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gorbunova, Tatiana
Budget |
MUSI 1182.205 |
27165 |
Piano Class II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gorbunova, Tatiana
Budget |
MUSI 1306.280 |
26334 |
Music Appreciation syllabi Book(s) Information |
Huang, Yu-Mei
Budget |
MUSI 1310.201 |
25814 |
American Popular Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Colin
Budget |
MUSI 1310.202 |
25941 |
American Popular Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Zhou, Xiaohu
Budget |
MUSI 1310.204 |
26194 |
American Popular Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Colin
Budget |
MUSI 1310.205 |
26195 |
American Popular Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Colin
Budget |
MUSI 1310.206 |
26097 |
American Popular Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Quintero, Jerry
Budget |
MUSI 1310.207 |
26689 |
American Popular Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Zhou, Xiaohu
Budget |
MUSI 1310.209 |
26690 |
American Popular Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Colin
Budget |
MUSI 1310.280 |
26193 |
American Popular Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Quintero, Jerry
Budget |
MUSI 1312.202 |
26691 |
Music Theory II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Huang, Yu-Mei
Budget |
MUSI 2117.202 |
25969 |
Aural Training IV syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gorbunova, Tatiana
Budget |
MUSI 2182.201 |
25875 |
Piano Class IV syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gechter, Friedrich
Budget |
MUSI 3100.203 |
26198 |
Music and Children syllabi Book(s) Information |
Soto, Gilberto
Budget |
MUSI 3135.202 |
27231 |
Guitar Methods syllabi Book(s) Information |
Soto, Gilberto
Budget |
MUSI 4233.201 |
25944 |
Secondary Music syllabi Book(s) Information |
Quintero, Jerry
Budget |
MUSI 4257.280 |
27173 |
Choral Lit & Teach Tech syllabi Book(s) Information |
Crabtree, Dana
Budget |
MUSI 4260.280 |
26331 |
Instrumental Lit & Teach Tech syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ricketts, William
Budget |
MUSI 4350.201 |
27325 |
Undergraduate Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gechter, Friedrich
Budget |
MUSI 4693.201 |
26067 |
Music Student Teaching syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chapa, Kristina
Budget |
NURN 3313.680 |
25893 |
Transition to Prof Nursing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Tubbe, Rhonda
Budget |
NURN 3320.680 |
25895 |
The History of Nursing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Molina, Chantel
Budget |
NURN 3410.680 |
25979 |
Health Assessment syllabi Book(s) Information |
Abrego, Judith
Budget |
NURN 4313.680 |
25981 |
Nursing Leadership & Managemen syllabi Book(s) Information |
Beatty, Lindsey
Budget |
NURS 2320.261 |
26146 |
Nutrition syllabi Book(s) Information |
Escamilla-Pena, Ofelia
Budget |
NURS 2321.261 |
25780 |
Pathophysiology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Vela, San Juanita Haber, Rita
Budget |
NURS 3200.202 |
26498 |
Strategies for Success syllabi Book(s) Information |
Santos, Iris
Budget |
NURS 3310.201 |
25857 |
Pharmacology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gunnoe, Carol
Budget |
NURS 3311.280 |
26313 |
Cult Determ of Hlth Behave-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Leal, Erica
Budget |
NURS 3312.281 |
26483 |
Global Nursing Health-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Leal, Erica
Budget |
NURS 3410.201 |
25858 |
Health Assessment syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pliego, Mayra
Budget |
NURS 3411.202 |
25859 |
Childbearing & Women's Hlth Nurs syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sanchez, Maria
Budget |
NURS 3412.201 |
25860 |
Psych & Mental Hlth Nursing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Heard, Lisa
Budget |
NURS 3613.202 |
25861 |
Basic Nursing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Villarreal, Maria Sanchez, Adan
Budget |
NURS 3614.201 |
25862 |
Adult Health Nursing I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Michelangeli, Angelica Hernandez, San Juanita
Budget |
NURS 4199.201 |
25863 |
Current Topics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Michelangeli, Angelica
Budget |
NURS 4310.202 |
26044 |
Nursing Research - WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pena, Amanda
Budget |
NURS 4310.203 |
27217 |
Nursing Research - WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mena, Jessie
Budget |
NURS 4312.202 |
27249 |
Senior Nursing Seminar syllabi Book(s) Information |
Melendez, Sara
Budget |
NURS 4410.202 |
25915 |
Child Health Nursing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Guerra, Amy Perez, Monika
Budget |
NURS 4411.201 |
25921 |
Community Nursing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Soto, Reyes
Budget |
NURS 4513.201 |
27250 |
Professional Nursing Role syllabi Book(s) Information |
Vela, Viridiana
Budget |
NURS 4614.201 |
25924 |
Adult Health Nursing II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cortes, Raul
Budget |
NURS 5230.280 |
26299 |
Advanced Pathophysiology I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Saucedo, Miguel
Budget |
NURS 5230.281 |
27266 |
Advanced Pathophysiology I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Saucedo, Miguel
Budget |
NURS 5232.280 |
26300 |
Advanced Pharmacology I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Saucedo, Miguel
Budget |
NURS 5232.281 |
27267 |
Advanced Pharmacology I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salinas, Martha
Budget |
NURS 5320.680 |
25916 |
Theo Influ Prac Rsrch & Adv Role syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Michael
Budget |
NURS 5321.680 |
25917 |
Research Methods & Stat Analysis syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gonzalez, Belva
Budget |
NURS 5323.680 |
26033 |
Healthcare Policy & Social Just syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salinas, Martha
Budget |
NURS 5330.280 |
26301 |
Adv Health Assessment Theory syllabi Book(s) Information |
Saucedo, Miguel
Budget |
NURS 5331.280 |
26302 |
Adv Health Assessment Pract syllabi Book(s) Information |
Saucedo, Miguel
Budget |
NURS 5331.281 |
26303 |
Adv Health Assessment Pract syllabi Book(s) Information |
Santos, Jose
Budget |
NURS 5331.282 |
26489 |
Adv Health Assessment Pract syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gunnoe, Carol
Budget |
NURS 5331.283 |
26748 |
Adv Health Assessment Pract syllabi Book(s) Information |
Santos, Jose
Budget |
NURS 5331.285 |
26990 |
Adv Health Assessment Pract syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jimenez, Marissa
Budget |
NURS 5335.280 |
26304 |
Primary Care of Peds & Families syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jimenez, Marissa
Budget |
NURS 5336.280 |
26305 |
Prim Care of Ped & Fam Prac syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jimenez, Marissa
Budget |
NURS 5336.281 |
26306 |
Prim Care of Ped & Fam Prac syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jimenez, Marissa
Budget |
NURS 5336.282 |
26499 |
Prim Care of Ped & Fam Prac syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jimenez, Marissa
Budget |
NURS 5340.680 |
25918 |
Organizational Behavior syllabi Book(s) Information |
Migl, Karen
Budget |
NURS 5411.280 |
26992 |
Theory & Concepts Across Life syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gunnoe, Carol
Budget |
NURS 5440.680 |
25987 |
Nurse Exec Integ Ldrship Pract syllabi Book(s) Information |
Migl, Karen
Budget |
PADM 5362.680 |
25725 |
Administrative Ethics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Momen, Mehnaaz
Budget |
PADM 5377.680 |
26610 |
Survey of Nonprofit Lead & MGT syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jeong, Jihoon
Budget |
PETE 3101.2L1 |
27008 |
Drilling Engineering I Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Nath, Fatick
Budget |
PETE 3120.2L1 |
26172 |
Petroleum Production Eng I Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Nath, Fatick
Budget |
PETE 3301.201 |
27009 |
Drilling Engineering I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Li, Dacun
Budget |
PETE 3307.202 |
26173 |
Reservoir Engineering I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Enab, Khaled
Budget |
PETE 3320.202 |
25990 |
Petroleum Production Eng I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Nath, Fatick
Budget |
PETE 4290.202 |
27010 |
Senior Design II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Nath, Fatick
Budget |
PETE 4370.202 |
27011 |
Well Testing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Enab, Khaled
Budget |
PETE 4385.201 |
27012 |
Special Topics in PETE syllabi Book(s) Information |
Dominguez-Vargas, Guillermo
Budget |
PHIL 1301.201 |
27214 |
Introduction to Philosophy syllabi Book(s) Information |
Galbraith, Jude
Budget |
PHIL 1301.202 |
26209 |
Introduction to Philosophy syllabi Book(s) Information |
Galbraith, Jude
Budget |
PHIL 1301.283 |
27101 |
Introduction to Philosophy syllabi Book(s) Information |
Koepsell, David
Budget |
PHIL 2306.202 |
25664 |
Introduction to Ethics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Galbraith, Jude
Budget |
PHIL 3302.280 |
27102 |
Philosophy of Law syllabi Book(s) Information |
Koepsell, David
Budget |
PHIL 4380.201 |
27233 |
Philosophy in Literature syllabi Book(s) Information |
Murphy, Jonathan
Budget |
PHLT 3306.280 |
27028 |
Emergency Mgt in Publ Health syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pena, Jessica
Budget |
PHLT 3308.280 |
26325 |
Resrch Methds in Publ Health syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pena, Jessica
Budget |
PHLT 3310.280 |
27029 |
Environmental & Occupational Hlt syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salazar-Collier, Cindy
Budget |
PHLT 3312.280 |
26326 |
Global Health- WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Leal, Erica
Budget |
PHLT 4213.280 |
27030 |
Applied Research Project I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salazar-Collier, Cindy
Budget |
PHLT 4214.280 |
26327 |
Applied Research Project II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salazar-Collier, Cindy
Budget |
PHLT 4322.280 |
27031 |
Vulnerable Populations' Health syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salazar-Collier, Cindy
Budget |
PHLT 4415.280 |
27032 |
Community Immersion syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pena, Jessica
Budget |
PHLT 4420.280 |
26328 |
Public Health Internship syllabi Book(s) Information |
Pena, Jessica
Budget |
PHYS 1102.2L1 |
25532 |
General Physics II Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Varon, Suzette
Budget |
PHYS 1102.2L3 |
25535 |
General Physics II Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Modic, Aaron
Budget |
PHYS 1102.2L4 |
26267 |
General Physics II Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Munoz, Juan
Budget |
PHYS 1102.2L5 |
25776 |
General Physics II Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Modic, Aaron
Budget |
PHYS 1170.2L1 |
25540 |
Survey of Physical Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Modic, Aaron
Budget |
PHYS 1170.2L2 |
25536 |
Survey of Physical Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Munoz, Juan
Budget |
PHYS 1170.2L3 |
25538 |
Survey of Physical Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Munoz, Juan
Budget |
PHYS 1170.2L5 |
26268 |
Survey of Physical Science Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Munoz, Juan
Budget |
PHYS 1302.201 |
26269 |
General Physics II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Modic, Aaron
Budget |
PHYS 1370.201 |
25542 |
Survey of Physical Science syllabi Book(s) Information |
Modic, Aaron
Budget |
PHYS 1370.203 |
26082 |
Survey of Physical Science syllabi Book(s) Information |
Modic, Aaron
Budget |
PHYS 2125.2L1 |
25802 |
University Physics I Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Munoz, Juan
Budget |
PHYS 2125.2L2 |
25964 |
University Physics I Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Munoz, Juan
Budget |
PHYS 2125.2L3 |
25874 |
University Physics I Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Varon, Suzette
Budget |
PHYS 2125.2L4 |
26270 |
University Physics I Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Modic, Aaron
Budget |
PHYS 2126.2L1 |
26476 |
University Physics II Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Varon, Suzette
Budget |
PHYS 2325.201 |
25803 |
University Physics I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Munoz, Juan
Budget |
PHYS 2326.202 |
25546 |
University Physics II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Modic, Aaron
Budget |
POM 3310.261 |
25606 |
Production & Operations Mgt syllabi Book(s) Information |
Janamanchi, Balaji
Budget |
POM 3310.280 |
27148 |
Production & Operations Mgt syllabi Book(s) Information |
Flores, Juan
Budget |
PSCI 2301.202 |
26026 |
Intro to Political Leadership syllabi Book(s) Information |
Vergaray, Alfonso
Budget |
PSCI 2305.201 |
25805 |
American National Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Nilda
Budget |
PSCI 2305.202 |
25670 |
American National Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Manganaro, Lynne
Budget |
PSCI 2305.203 |
26926 |
American National Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Zvobgo, Varaidzo
Budget |
PSCI 2305.204 |
26927 |
American National Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Momen, Mehnaaz
Budget |
PSCI 2305.208 |
26344 |
American National Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Momen, Mehnaaz
Budget |
PSCI 2305.210 |
26928 |
American National Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Vergaray, Alfonso
Budget |
PSCI 2305.280 |
26968 |
American National Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Byham, Jack
Budget |
PSCI 2306.202 |
25673 |
American State Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Norris, James
Budget |
PSCI 2306.203 |
26012 |
American State Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Byham, Jack
Budget |
PSCI 2306.206 |
26929 |
American State Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Haruna, Peter
Budget |
PSCI 2306.262 |
26345 |
American State Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
De Hoyos, Raymundo
Budget |
PSCI 2306.263 |
26930 |
American State Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Haruna, Peter
Budget |
PSCI 2306.280 |
26969 |
American State Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Norris, James
Budget |
PSCI 2306.281 |
27298 |
American State Government syllabi Book(s) Information |
Medrano, Rolando
Budget |
PSCI 3301.280 |
26970 |
Research Methods in Social Sci syllabi Book(s) Information |
Somers, Logan
Budget |
PSCI 3305.202 |
26931 |
Govt & Politics of Europe syllabi Book(s) Information |
Norris, James
Budget |
PSCI 3310.201 |
26013 |
Comp Pol Ideologies & Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Byham, Jack
Budget |
PSCI 3314.201 |
26105 |
Modern Political Philosophy syllabi Book(s) Information |
Byham, Jack
Budget |
PSCI 3345.280 |
26129 |
Intro to Public Administration syllabi Book(s) Information |
Vick, Dwight
Budget |
PSCI 4310.201 |
26932 |
Drug Trafficking syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Nilda
Budget |
PSCI 4311.202 |
26933 |
The Constitution and Civil Lib syllabi Book(s) Information |
Zschirnt, Simon
Budget |
PSCI 4322.202 |
26934 |
Special Stud in American Pol syllabi Book(s) Information |
Vergaray, Alfonso
Budget |
PSCI 4324.202 |
26973 |
Special Stud in Political Phil syllabi Book(s) Information |
Vergaray, Alfonso
Budget |
PSCI 4327.280 |
26976 |
Special Stud in Int Politics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lloyd, Marshall
Budget |
PSCI 4351.260 |
26936 |
Senior Seminar in PSCI syllabi Book(s) Information |
Byham, Jack
Budget |
PSCI 5301.680 |
26353 |
Adv Methods of Social Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Paterline, Brent
Budget |
PSCI 5330.260 |
26977 |
Sem in Political Philosophy syllabi Book(s) Information |
Byham, Jack
Budget |
PSCI 5390.202 |
26974 |
Special Problems in PSCI syllabi Book(s) Information |
Vergaray, Alfonso
Budget |
PSCI 5399.290 |
26938 |
Thesis II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Zschirnt, Simon
Budget |
PSCI 5399.291 |
27313 |
Thesis II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Nilda
Budget |
PSYC 2117.2L1 |
25781 |
Basic Stats for Psyc Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Ariana
Budget |
PSYC 2117.2L2 |
25644 |
Basic Stats for Psyc Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Ariana
Budget |
PSYC 2117.2L3 |
26879 |
Basic Stats for Psyc Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Ariana
Budget |
PSYC 2117.2L4 |
25643 |
Basic Stats for Psyc Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mendez, Iris
Budget |
PSYC 2301.202 |
26215 |
Intro to Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Jeffrey
Budget |
PSYC 2301.203 |
25871 |
Intro to Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Jeffrey
Budget |
PSYC 2301.205 |
25822 |
Intro to Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Michael
Budget |
PSYC 2301.261 |
26216 |
Intro to Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Campos, Evelyn
Budget |
PSYC 2301.280 |
26369 |
Intro to Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mendez, Iris
Budget |
PSYC 2301.281 |
26370 |
Intro to Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Mendez, Iris
Budget |
PSYC 2308.201 |
26361 |
Child Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Krista
Budget |
PSYC 2308.204 |
26747 |
Child Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Krista
Budget |
PSYC 2314.201 |
25652 |
Lifespan Growth & Development syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Ariana
Budget |
PSYC 2314.260 |
26362 |
Lifespan Growth & Development syllabi Book(s) Information |
Campos, Evelyn
Budget |
PSYC 2314.280 |
26371 |
Lifespan Growth & Development syllabi Book(s) Information |
Navarro, Fernando
Budget |
PSYC 2314.281 |
26372 |
Lifespan Growth & Development syllabi Book(s) Information |
Navarro, Fernando
Budget |
PSYC 2314.283 |
26904 |
Lifespan Growth & Development syllabi Book(s) Information |
Madriaga, Lorena
Budget |
PSYC 2314.284 |
26099 |
Lifespan Growth & Development syllabi Book(s) Information |
Olivares, Marc
Budget |
PSYC 2315.201 |
26363 |
Psychology of Adjustment syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Ariana
Budget |
PSYC 2317.202 |
26217 |
Basic Stats for Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Heredia, Roberto
Budget |
PSYC 3102.2L1 |
26100 |
Rsrch Methods in Beh Sci Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Ariana
Budget |
PSYC 3102.2L2 |
25653 |
Rsrch Methods in Beh Sci Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Ariana
Budget |
PSYC 3102.2L3 |
25654 |
Rsrch Methods in Beh Sci Lab syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Ariana
Budget |
PSYC 3301.202 |
26880 |
Advanced Social Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Ariana
Budget |
PSYC 3301.204 |
26881 |
Advanced Social Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jamshed, Nida
Budget |
PSYC 3301.280 |
26905 |
Advanced Social Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jamshed, Nida
Budget |
PSYC 3301.281 |
26882 |
Advanced Social Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jamshed, Nida
Budget |
PSYC 3302.201 |
25656 |
Research Methods in Psyc syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cerda, Vanessa
Budget |
PSYC 3302.202 |
26374 |
Research Methods in Psyc syllabi Book(s) Information |
Houston, Kate
Budget |
PSYC 3302.281 |
26375 |
Research Methods in Psyc syllabi Book(s) Information |
Olivares, Marc
Budget |
PSYC 3304.201 |
26289 |
Learning and Memory syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Jeffrey
Budget |
PSYC 3304.280 |
27246 |
Learning and Memory syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Ray
Budget |
PSYC 3310.280 |
26364 |
Advanced Biological Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cerda, Vanessa
Budget |
PSYC 3315.201 |
25823 |
Psychology of Aging syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salinas, Gilberto
Budget |
PSYC 3315.280 |
26906 |
Psychology of Aging syllabi Book(s) Information |
Medrano, Maria
Budget |
PSYC 3320.201 |
25870 |
Evolutionary Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garza, Ray
Budget |
PSYC 4199.290 |
26883 |
Undergraduate Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cieslicka, Anna
Budget |
PSYC 4299.290 |
26884 |
Undergraduate Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cieslicka, Anna
Budget |
PSYC 4301.202 |
25824 |
Psychology of Personality syllabi Book(s) Information |
Terrazas-Carrillo, Elizabeth
Budget |
PSYC 4301.280 |
25825 |
Psychology of Personality syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salinas, Gilberto
Budget |
PSYC 4301.281 |
26376 |
Psychology of Personality syllabi Book(s) Information |
Medrano, Maria
Budget |
PSYC 4303.202 |
25771 |
Advanced Abnormal Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salinas, Gilberto
Budget |
PSYC 4303.280 |
26907 |
Advanced Abnormal Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Blasco-Rubio, Adriana
Budget |
PSYC 4305.202 |
26885 |
Psychology of Language syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cieslicka, Anna
Budget |
PSYC 4308.202 |
25666 |
Theory & Prin of Psyc Testing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Vasquez, Desi
Budget |
PSYC 4315.201 |
26679 |
Alcohol Drugs & Human Behavr syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salinas, Gilberto
Budget |
PSYC 4315.280 |
26678 |
Alcohol Drugs & Human Behavr syllabi Book(s) Information |
Salinas, Gilberto
Budget |
PSYC 4325.202 |
25667 |
Cognitive Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Brown, Jeffrey
Budget |
PSYC 4325.281 |
26101 |
Cognitive Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Omar
Budget |
PSYC 4335.201 |
26677 |
Issues in Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Houston, Kate
Budget |
PSYC 4399.291 |
26886 |
Undergraduate Research syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cieslicka, Anna
Budget |
PSYC 5304.261 |
26887 |
Survey of Personality Psyc syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jamshed, Nida
Budget |
PSYC 5305.261 |
26888 |
Human Dev Across Life-Span syllabi Book(s) Information |
Garcia, Ediza
Budget |
PSYC 5307.202 |
26889 |
Psychopathology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Terrazas-Carrillo, Elizabeth
Budget |
PSYC 5315.202 |
26365 |
Group Counseling syllabi Book(s) Information |
Terrazas-Carrillo, Elizabeth
Budget |
PSYC 5320.261 |
26890 |
Research Design & Statistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Heredia, Roberto
Budget |
PSYC 5322.202 |
26891 |
Ethics & Research Meth in Coun syllabi Book(s) Information |
Vasquez, Desi
Budget |
PSYC 5325.202 |
26366 |
Couples & Family Counseling syllabi Book(s) Information |
Vasquez, Desi
Budget |
PSYC 5335.260 |
26892 |
Issues in Psychology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Jamshed, Nida
Budget |
PSYC 5350.261 |
26132 |
Counseling Practicum syllabi Book(s) Information |
Blasco-Rubio, Adriana
Budget |
PSYC 5352.261 |
27284 |
Counseling Internship I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Blasco-Rubio, Adriana
Budget |
PSYC 5354.261 |
26651 |
Counseling Internship II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Blasco-Rubio, Adriana
Budget |
PSYC 5370.260 |
26893 |
Cognitive Science syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cieslicka, Anna
Budget |
PSYC 5388.262 |
26908 |
Psychology Internship I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cieslicka, Anna
Budget |
PSYC 5389.262 |
26894 |
Psychology Internship II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cieslicka, Anna
Budget |
PSYC 5399.291 |
26896 |
Thesis II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Terrazas-Carrillo, Elizabeth
Budget |
SENG 3330.202 |
25758 |
Operations Research I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Khasawneh, Mahmoud
Budget |
SENG 3340.201 |
25760 |
Robotics and Automation syllabi Book(s) Information |
Flores Colunga, Gerardo Ramon
Budget |
SENG 3345.201 |
27013 |
Microprocessor Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Flores Colunga, Gerardo Ramon
Budget |
SENG 3370.202 |
25761 |
Computer Int Manufacturing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Tashtoush, Tariq
Budget |
SENG 4315.201 |
25896 |
Embedded Systems syllabi Book(s) Information |
Hasan, Muhammad
Budget |
SENG 4350.202 |
25762 |
Facilities Design & Logistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Tashtoush, Tariq
Budget |
SENG 4352.280 |
27017 |
Internship in Systems Engr syllabi Book(s) Information |
Dominguez-Vargas, Guillermo
Budget |
SENG 4385.201 |
27014 |
Special Topics in Systems Engr syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sharadga, Hussein
Budget |
SENG 4390.202 |
25763 |
Senior Design II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Tashtoush, Tariq
Budget |
SOCI 1301.201 |
25674 |
Intro to Sociology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Neumann, Pamela
Budget |
SOCI 1306.260 |
25806 |
Cont Social Prob & Social Pol syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Martha
Budget |
SOCI 1306.280 |
26978 |
Cont Social Prob & Social Pol syllabi Book(s) Information |
Laurel-Wilson, Marissa
Budget |
SOCI 2301.201 |
26939 |
Marriage and Family syllabi Book(s) Information |
Neumann, Pamela
Budget |
SOCI 3301.280 |
26971 |
Research Methods in Social Sci syllabi Book(s) Information |
Somers, Logan
Budget |
SOCI 3302.201 |
26940 |
Social Welfare & Human Service syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kilburn, John
Budget |
SOCI 3304.201 |
25971 |
Sociological Theory syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kilburn, John
Budget |
SOCI 3307.260 |
26941 |
U.S.-Mexico Border Subcultures syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cruz, Maria
Budget |
SOCI 3308.280 |
26979 |
Latin American Cultures syllabi Book(s) Information |
Silva, Tania
Budget |
SOCI 3308.281 |
26980 |
Latin American Cultures syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Roger
Budget |
SOCI 3316.280 |
26981 |
Urban Sociology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Roger
Budget |
SOCI 3336.202 |
26942 |
Criminology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Huey, Eileen
Budget |
SOCI 3336.203 |
26943 |
Criminology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Lee, Narim
Budget |
SOCI 3336.280 |
26014 |
Criminology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kilburn, Judith
Budget |
SOCI 3336.281 |
26982 |
Criminology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kilburn, Judith
Budget |
SOCI 3336.282 |
26983 |
Criminology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cody, Susan
Budget |
SOCI 4310.202 |
26355 |
Social Inequality syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ynalvez, Marcus
Budget |
SOCI 4317.280 |
26985 |
Race & Ethnic Relations syllabi Book(s) Information |
Laurel-Wilson, Marissa
Budget |
SOCI 4325.201 |
26356 |
Sociology of Gender Roles syllabi Book(s) Information |
Neumann, Pamela
Budget |
SOCI 4325.280 |
26986 |
Sociology of Gender Roles syllabi Book(s) Information |
Silva, Tania
Budget |
SOCI 4370.202 |
26347 |
Medical Sociology syllabi Book(s) Information |
Breen, Kyle
Budget |
SOCI 4380.260 |
26607 |
Senior Proseminar syllabi Book(s) Information |
Breen, Kyle
Budget |
SOCI 5301.202 |
27264 |
Contemp Studies of Soc Probs syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ynalvez, Marcus
Budget |
SOCI 5304.260 |
26988 |
Rac Eth Soc Class & Gen Ineq syllabi Book(s) Information |
Breen, Kyle
Budget |
SOCI 5399.290 |
26945 |
Thesis II syllabi Book(s) Information |
Neumann, Pamela
Budget |
SPAN 2350.202 |
25955 |
Intro to the Hispanic World syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cantu, Irma
Budget |
SPAN 2350.204 |
26123 |
Intro to the Hispanic World syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cantu, Irma
Budget |
SPAN 2350.280 |
27104 |
Intro to the Hispanic World syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cantu, Irma
Budget |
SPAN 3303.280 |
26008 |
Spanish Language for Bil Teach syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sepulveda Hinojosa, Maria
Budget |
SPAN 3305.202 |
25877 |
Spanish Academic Writing syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez-Samos, Jose
Budget |
SPAN 3310.201 |
26124 |
Intro to Literature in Spanish syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez-Samos, Jose
Budget |
SPAN 3322.261 |
27079 |
Studies in Span Lit After 1700 syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez-Samos, Jose
Budget |
SPAN 3350.201 |
27106 |
Intro to Span>Engl Translation syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sepulveda Hinojosa, Maria
Budget |
SPAN 4302.260 |
27080 |
20th Century Spanish Prose syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez-Samos, Jose
Budget |
SPAN 4303.202 |
25665 |
The Spanish American Novel syllabi Book(s) Information |
Cardona-Lopez, Jose
Budget |
SPAN 5349.260 |
27105 |
Maj Writ in Span & Their Milieu syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez-Samos, Jose
Budget |
STAT 5310.261 |
26861 |
Stat Methods for Clin Trials syllabi Book(s) Information |
Wang, Hongwei
Budget |
THAR 1310.280 |
27174 |
Theatre Appreciation syllabi Book(s) Information |
Caballero, Gilda
Budget |
THAR 1310.2H1 |
26196 |
Theatre Appreciation syllabi Book(s) Information |
Caballero, Gilda
Budget |
THAR 2366.2H2 |
27167 |
Film Appreciation-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Caballero, Gilda
Budget |
THAR 3100.280 |
27175 |
Theatre and Children syllabi Book(s) Information |
Caballero, Gilda
Budget |
THAR 3320.280 |
27176 |
Survey of Theatre History-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Caballero, Gilda
Budget |
THAR 4313.2H2 |
27168 |
Special Topics in Theatre Arts syllabi Book(s) Information |
Caballero, Gilda
Budget |
TIL 3350.280 |
27149 |
Global Business Logistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Richard
Budget |
TIL 3350.281 |
27150 |
Global Business Logistics syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Richard
Budget |
TIL 3360.280 |
27151 |
Supply Chain Security & Comp syllabi Book(s) Information |
Flores, Juan
Budget |
TIL 3360.281 |
27152 |
Supply Chain Security & Comp syllabi Book(s) Information |
Flores, Juan
Budget |
TIL 5312.680 |
27154 |
Export Operations & Practice syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Richard
Budget |
TRAN 3350.201 |
27082 |
Intro to Span>Engl Translation syllabi Book(s) Information |
Sepulveda Hinojosa, Maria
Budget |
TRAN 4375.260 |
27108 |
Special Topics in Translation syllabi Book(s) Information |
Norris, Lola
Budget |
TRAN 5330.260 |
27084 |
Special Topics Trans Studies syllabi Book(s) Information |
Norris, Lola
Budget |
UNIV 1201.202 |
26290 |
Learn a Global Context I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gonzalez, Patricia
Budget |
UNIV 1201.203 |
26292 |
Learn a Global Context I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Jacqueline
Budget |
UNIV 1201.204 |
26491 |
Learn a Global Context I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Gonzalez, Patricia
Budget |
UNIV 1201.205 |
26480 |
Learn a Global Context I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Jacqueline
Budget |
UNIV 1201.280 |
26275 |
Learn a Global Context I syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carrillo, Janet
Budget |
UNIV 1302.202 |
26220 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carrillo, Janet
Budget |
UNIV 1302.203 |
26221 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kelley, Peter
Budget |
UNIV 1302.204 |
26222 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
De La Miyar, Daniel
Budget |
UNIV 1302.205 |
26223 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Linero-Reyes, Karla
Budget |
UNIV 1302.206 |
26224 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Jonathan
Budget |
UNIV 1302.207 |
26225 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Juarez, Veronica
Budget |
UNIV 1302.208 |
26226 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Maria
Budget |
UNIV 1302.209 |
26227 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arenaz, Rebekah
Budget |
UNIV 1302.210 |
26228 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chavez, Monica
Budget |
UNIV 1302.211 |
26229 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chavez, Monica
Budget |
UNIV 1302.212 |
26230 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Juarez, Veronica
Budget |
UNIV 1302.213 |
26231 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Juarez, Veronica
Budget |
UNIV 1302.214 |
26232 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Juarez, Veronica
Budget |
UNIV 1302.215 |
26233 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carrillo, Janet
Budget |
UNIV 1302.216 |
26234 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Daniela
Budget |
UNIV 1302.217 |
26235 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
De La Miyar, Daniel
Budget |
UNIV 1302.218 |
26236 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
De La Miyar, Daniel
Budget |
UNIV 1302.220 |
26238 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Linero-Reyes, Karla
Budget |
UNIV 1302.222 |
26240 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Jacqueline
Budget |
UNIV 1302.223 |
26241 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ramirez, Omar
Budget |
UNIV 1302.224 |
26242 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ramirez, Omar
Budget |
UNIV 1302.225 |
26243 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ramirez, Omar
Budget |
UNIV 1302.226 |
26244 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Linero-Reyes, Karla
Budget |
UNIV 1302.227 |
26245 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arenaz, Rebekah
Budget |
UNIV 1302.228 |
26246 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arenaz, Rebekah
Budget |
UNIV 1302.229 |
26247 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
De La Miyar, Daniel
Budget |
UNIV 1302.233 |
26251 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chavez, Monica
Budget |
UNIV 1302.236 |
26635 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Carrillo, Janet
Budget |
UNIV 1302.238 |
26636 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Chavez, Monica
Budget |
UNIV 1302.240 |
26254 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Jonathan
Budget |
UNIV 1302.242 |
26637 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kelley, Peter
Budget |
UNIV 1302.243 |
26255 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Kelley, Peter
Budget |
UNIV 1302.244 |
26256 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Ramirez, Omar
Budget |
UNIV 1302.248 |
26257 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Daniela
Budget |
UNIV 1302.250 |
26455 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Martinez, Jacqueline
Budget |
UNIV 1302.261 |
26259 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Espinoza, Juan
Budget |
UNIV 1302.282 |
26454 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Linero-Reyes, Karla
Budget |
UNIV 1302.283 |
27253 |
Signature Course syllabi Book(s) Information |
Arenaz, Rebekah
Budget |
UNIV 3320.280 |
27181 |
Directed Studies in MDS syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Daniela
Budget |
UNIV 4390.280 |
26638 |
Capstone Experience-WIN syllabi Book(s) Information |
Rodriguez, Daniela
Budget |
WGST 4325.201 |
26589 |
Sociology of Gender Roles syllabi Book(s) Information |
Neumann, Pamela
Budget |
WGST 4325.280 |
26987 |
Sociology of Gender Roles syllabi Book(s) Information |
Silva, Tania
Budget |